New Video: Fat Trel “What It Is”
July 19, 2018 @ 10:45 PM EDT

To The Shottas
Fat Trel’s enjoying freedom. Heading up 95 north, the D.M.V. rapper hits up Harlem and mobs with the crew in Finally Free‘s new video.
rick ross got fat trel out here looking like a BUM ass rapper.
Hey Keyboard Killer/Touchpad Toughguy, How’d you allow a MMG artist to shoot a video in Harlem? All anyone has to do is look at EVERY VIDEO from them Rap Radar has posted & YOU have talked shit about it/them.
I bet you got your Husky boyfriend sucking your cock while you type these things.
How come YOU are always so descriptive when it comes to GAY sex acts?!? Answer the original question. If you HATE MMG so much & your always talking abut how they aint shit, How come you didn’t pull up on Trel?!?!!? The answer is what I’ve been saying for at least 2 years now. YOU are a JEALOUS BROKE LAZY READY TO COME OUT THE CLOSET QUEER who spends his time hating other’s who had the motivation, ambition & determination to do something meaningful with their life. If you died right now all your Mother could say about you is that you spent 1/2 of everyday on RapRadar.Com being a Bitter Broke Bitchass Bum!!! SMDH.
Why pull up on on him? Fat trel video shoot was low budget at its best they shot that shit with an iPhone 8.
You waste time on this site on some criticizing shit & then you have the audacity to tell a man whose music video YOU WATCHED he needs to go get a job?!?!? That’s ANOTHER “L” for el!!!