Joe Budden Responds To Eminem

Newsflash Em…
Joe Budden’s got the internet buzzing with the latest episode of his Joe Budden Podcast. After briefly reacting to Eminem’s jab on “Fall” over the weekend, an aggressive Mouse addressed the situation even further during yesterday’s episode 177: TV & Mayonnaise.
Here, he spoke on the history of their relationship, claims the lack of content in Em’s recent music and declares that he’s been better than Marshall in the last decade. Full episode below.
On this weeks episode, Joe addresses Eminem. Joe explains how he received the news of being dissed (17:26). He then talks about his experience while being signed to Shady Records (36:24) and shares his thoughts on the demise of Slaughterhouse (44:25). Joe also states in this episode “I’m glad this day has finally arrived so everyone can be truthful” and reveals that he believes he is better than Eminem (58:50). The guys then discuss Colin Kaepernick being supported by Nike (1:51:42), Kanye West attempted rebrand (2:02:41) and Joe’s Breakfast Club interview which leads Rory and Mal to respond to Charlemagne tha God and DJ Envy (2:18:15). This episode answers a lot of the questions floating around, tune in and get the answers.
I agree that Eminem’s songs are split into 2 categories , commercial stuff that relies on dissing famous people for shock factor – Yall know all those first singles, My Name is, Slim Shady etc, and then we have the songs with some actual fucking meaning like Stan etc.,
Not to knock him off for anything he achieved, but the 2nd type have been missing for a while, he tried to make them more pop , feature chicks on them for pop sensability but its not as meaningful as it was 2000 beyond era !!
If Joe not spitting bars I don’t care! It would have been better for him to actually go in a booth and make a actually diss record instead of sitting around a microphone with two dudes ranting
Joe albums go double sandpaper. Dude is a good lyricist but a poor musical artist. His relevance over the last ten years have been drama, joe budden tv, tahiry, twitter, whatever thot he is dating or pornstar he bangin, everyday struggle and love and hiphop. Hes more known for his critique of other ppl albums than he is for dropping one. Its one thing to say em has been lacking in content another to compare yourself to him.
Nope, you gonna have to rap Joe. Joe can spit but we don’t believe you. You won’t his spot you have to out rap him. Period
SN: How you better then Em but you let Hollow toss you in a body bag smh
No grudges… I guess.
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Nice on dude..
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