Video: G Perico “10 Digits”
August 5, 2022 @ 12:10 AM EDT

The road to a billie.
Just a month after releasing his 111th East EP, G Perico gets on his paper chase on his new track, “10 Digits” produced by Gotdamnitdupri.
Directed by Bijan Productions, the L.A. rapper hits up the Bottom Bunk sneaker store on Melrose and coasts through the city in a convertible.
I work from home and earn a respectable $60k a week, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. I always give God praise for honouring me with these rules, and now it’s my duty to (cay-02) practise anticipatory compassion and share it with everyone. Likewise,
Here is I begun———->>>
I work from home and earn a respectable $60k a week, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. I always (cay-100) give God praise for honouring me with these rules, and now it’s my duty to practise anticipatory compassion and share it with everyone. Likewise,
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