Album: Rod Wave ‘Beautiful Mind’
August 12, 2022 @ 12:01 AM EDT

Back on the Wave.
Rod Wave is back with the release of his fourth studio album, Beautiful Mind.
At 24 tracks, the St. Petersburg rapper rejoices to success (“By Your Side“) and highlights his countless excursions (“Stone Rolling“). Elsewhere, Rod reflects on the highs and lows of a relationship (“Cold December“) and laments over lost love (“Alone“). Guests include Jack Harlow who appears on “Yungen” and December Joy who assists on “Quiet Storm”.
Beautiful Mind is the follow up to his 2021 album SoulFly, which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard charts. It has since gone platinum and spawned its deluxe.
I work from home and earn a respectable $60k a week, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. I always give God praise for honouring me with these rules, and now it’s my (syn-16) duty to practise anticipatory compassion and share it with everyone. Likewise,
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Rod wave fell off to me.