Video: 42 Dugg “IDGAF”

Free 42 Dugg.

42 Dugg gives no fucks with his latest release, “IDGAF” produced by Prodbyjm and Tyymachine.

Along with the release, the flashing visual centers the Detroit rapper delivering his coming of age raps while flexing his jewelry and luxury whips.

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  1. Avy115 says:

    I work from home and earn a respectable $60 k a week, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. I always give God praise for honouring me with these rules, and now it’s my (igt-019) duty to practise anticipatory compassion and share it with everyone. Likewise,


    Here is I begun———->>> GOOGLE WORK

  2. El Jim chapo Guzman says:

    The dude is ok!!

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