Video: Earl Sweatshirt, The Alchemist Ft. MIKE “Sentry”
August 25, 2023 @ 12:07 AM EDT

Stay tuned.
In anticipation of collaborative album, Voir Dire, Earl Sweatshirt and producer The Alchemist release its first single “Sentry” featuring MIKE.
Along with the release, the matching visual finds Earl and MIKE displaying their lyrical prowess while walking down a hallway in an attic.
“Four on when they peeled off on the bill / Started at the bottom of the hill / Actually I started in the mid / Actually I started in Illinois, Khoikhoi and Tswana in the kid,” raps Earl over Al’s murky production.
The track is one of the 11 tracks off Earl Sweatshirt and The Alchemist’s new NFT album, Voir Dire, which is exclusively available at Gala Music.
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