EP: The Alchemist ‘Flying High Part 2’

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The Alchemist takes flight once again with the sequel to his Flying High series.

After setting the tone with the loosie, “Nothing Is Freestyle“, the producer and rapper drops a fresh new batch of five tracks beginning with his solo number, “Turkish Link” followed by “Phil Drummond” with Conway The Machine and his “Vertigo” featuring Action Bronson.

Elsewhere, The Alchemist reunites with his other Gangrene half Oh No for their “Royal Hand” before closing things out with Curren$y on “Paint Different”. The second side features instrumentals of each track.

Flying High Part 2 is The Alchemist’s fourth project, which includes his previous Flying High EP, The Great Escape album alongside Larry June and last month’s Voir Dire album with Earl Sweatshirt.

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  1. Julia says:

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    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————–>>> https://careershome48.blogspot.com/

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