Video: Lyrical Lemonade Ft. Jack Harlow, Dave “Stop Giving Me Advice”

Fuck your advice.
Multi-media extraordinaire Lyrical Lemonade commissions Jack Harlow and Dave on the company’s new single, “Stop Giving Me Advice”.
Under the direction of Lyrical Lemonade’s Cole Bennett, the black-and-white clip, filtered with yellow, centers Jack and Dave boast their come up while riding through the city and the country.
“All this unsolicited advice from the guys getting booked for a quarter of my price / All this red carpet shit, brand partnerships, I must’ve let y’all forget that boy nice,” raps the Louisville spitter, while UK’s finest follows suit.
“You ever signed a seven-figure deal and the birds quill? / Can’t even call it breakfast, ’cause it wasn’t your first mil.”
The track is the follow-up to Lyrical Lemonade’s “Guitar In My Room” featuring Lil Durk and Kid Cudi. Last month, Jack Harlow earned his third No. 1 single with his latest single, “Lovin On Me“.
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I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet ug02 working abilities.
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