Mad Skillz Is Back with His “2024 Rap Up”
December 27, 2024 @ 12:18 PM EST

After a few years off, the annual rap up originator returns with his latest installment of his “Rap Up” series.
On his “2024 Rap Up”, the veteran lyricists from Virginia recaps the year’s most memorable headlines. He starts off with an ode to his Grammy nominated The Seven Number Ones’ spoken word LP before segueing into the election, Usher, Kat Williams, Diddy, Drake vs Kendrick Lamar, and more. Skillz also pays tribute to this year’s tragic events and lost ones with a spoken word.
“If you crash out, just don’t crash here / Cause it’s about to be good versus evil and we lost a lot of good people this past year / So take care of yourselves and each other / It’s about to be a wild ride.”