T.I. On 106 & Park

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The Kang returned to 106 yesterday to debut his new video. Tip also plugged his Power & Beauty book, Family Hustle VH1 reality show and gives February as a tentative release for his untitled album.
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I know the album gonna be dope!!! I wont be mad if you got a poppy single (we know its a must). but this go round…you need a WHAT YOU KNOW/BIG SHIT POPPIN type of street single bruh
That T.I and B.o.B album gonna be dope
Respect to Tip for his resurgence in music …But !!! he bugged out when Tiny had her show with Toya on BET. stating it was putting her in a bad light. Now I realize he just wanted her involved in his new show ….. He definitely a true hustler (sarcasm)
[…] RR […]
ain’t feelin’ him since he came out….so fuck him
It’s It’s crazy how big KRIT has made me become a fan of TI when it’s probably the other way around to everyone else!
glad to hear to already hear a tentative release date I know this is going to be another classic and I’m wondering who do you haters listen to honestly @king since you ain’t ever liked him so who do you like
[…] RR November 6th, 2011 | Tags: T.I. | Category: Interviews, Videos /* […]
@screppin864 look man i ve liked every t.i. album xcept t.i. vs tip but really since he came out his verses arent the same