Mac Miller On Debuting At Number One
November 17, 2011 @ 4:44 PM EST

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During MTV’s RapFix live yesterday, Mac skyped from his tour bus and spoke on his album debuting at number one on the Billboard Charts. Although he didn’t crack 50,000 pre-orders, he says he still plans to donate $50,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Blue Slide Park in stores now.
and not one single fuck was given
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[…] Original source: Click to read full story. Rap Radar […]
smoking cigs on tv. smh
Class act
Congrats man! You did it! No one will ever take that away from you!
Anyone caan say what they want…he sold 100k+ independently! Man is making more money then signed artist selling 500k
no matter how much you sell you’re still a garbage.
If hip hop was black culture white people made it..plz don’t beleive black peope made tupac go platinum or jay platinum…
I said it before, I’ll say it again, #1 album in the country, independent, and doesn’t rely on features, how can you fucking hate on that? Either love him or let him have his moment.
Protektah, Please kill yourself.