E-40 & Problem On 106 & Park
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E-40 and Problem brought the “Function” to 106 today. Afterwards, 40 discussed his new album, collaborating with today’s artists and more. The Block Brochure “slaps” and is in stores now.
You LOST me @ 106 & Park. Why do people watch this show when there’s Youtube?
I know the West Coast people are going to hate me but I’ve always thought E-40 was just horrible but every now and then he drop something that make me realize why he actually made it. Function
These dudes put more into their hustle than the quality of their product. But 40’s a pioneer, much respect
People can keep hatin on 40 all they want, but it aint gon stop his grit & grind.. Keep em hatin big homie! Tha game dont stop! Yee!