Jay-Z Performs At Obama Rally

Jay’s got 99 problems, but Mitt ain’t one. With election day tomorrow, Hov performed this afternoon at our President’s rally in Columbus, OH. Obama should have joined in too. Ha! Additional footage below. Four more years!

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  1. skrillz says:

    super white crowd – they’re totally not feeling it

  2. Kizzy says:

    Yeah it was actually but hey … tell em how you feel Jay … lol

  3. IM730 says:

    Something extremely funny about the lyrics ” I got the rap patrol on the gat patrol, Foes that wanna see my caskets closed” at a presidential rally.

  4. Sarcastic A$$hole says:

    Rappers should stay away from endorsing Presidents, especially when it’s a close race…

  5. KILLA says:

    WTF was Obama thinking allowing Jay to perform? If I was Jay-Z I would have been like how about I sit this one out until AFTER you win. White people like (?_?) LOL SMH

  6. Tbones says:

    What was the purpose of this performance? In my opinion, I dont see what significant impact this will have on the race. By the way, fuck politics, its all politricks.

  7. Winston Churchill says:

    American “politics” lol.

  8. michelle michelle says:


  9. B.I. says:

    Anybody else suffering from Jay-z overload? From the commercials, to the blog dick riding, to the video game takeover, to which color his daughter’s shit is. He’s like the rap Kardashian

  10. Marko-V says:

    Lol u right. I guess there’s no such thang as sell out anymore. Still it’s good to see someone of his intelligence and skill rep Hip-Hop . No shots at anyone else jus sayin it could be a whole lot worse.

  11. realwickwickwack says:

    i wish 2pac was alive and could see this !

    Whats good dan quayle

  12. Cz says:

    Meanwhile “his” “undefeated” (after one game) Nets just got beat by the T-wolves who don’t even have Love playing right now.

  13. hoffa says:

    So inapropiate for so many different reasons. Obama is politics biggest joke!

  14. @gtfomike says:

    The Greatest Of All Time

  15. Mark says:

    T.i. #Troubleman 12/18/2012

  16. wef23f2f says:

    He looks completely out-of-place. Plus, this song is seriously out-dated.

  17. Geo says:

    Of all the songs he could’ve performed…. smh.

    He should’ve done something more white people friendly…………like NIGGAS IN PARIS!

  18. B.Dot says:

    Plus, this song is seriously out-dated.
    O_o Say what?

  19. Isee says:

    No matter what, this man made it. Same with Obama. Both are inspirations.

  20. Elitesmoove says:

    Everyone has an opinion…A lot of “young”, independent voters were in the crowd up in the rafters, that is who President Obama was going for with Jay…I think it was perfect! Being there in Columbus, the crowd was electric….Regardless of who you believe in…Hip Hop has made it a long way to be opening for a President…The “powers” took us for a Joke for decades and now they realize we are a force to be reckoned with…Major WIN for Hip Hop…

  21. WMJ says:

    @Elitesmoove….thank you sir….please stay enlightening these folk. @the rest of yall haters….do you actually believe it was Obama’s and Jay’s idea to have this concert in Columbus? There are people who are educated and professional just to do what was done…they are called strategy experts. It’s all part of a plan to make Obama the winner.

    …and as far as the white people in the audience who were clueless?….If you don’t know….now you know.

  22. touchNwho says:

    Hov was live. crowd was dead though.

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