New Music: E-40 “Try Me”

Tried It.

Detroit upstart Dej Loaf’s single “Try Me” is gaining traction across the blogsophere. Wiz Khalifa remixed the track and now, E-40 tries his hand with a dash of Jamaican flavor. 40’s new albums  Sharp On All Corners 1&2, and 3&4 drop December 9 and March 2, 2015 respectively.  ne

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  1. $₱₳ṝ₭≳. says:

    WEAK AS FUCK 40 my nigga buhe be disappointing me man .. he gotta switch it up or quit man!

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Why do these old ass rappers still rap for. Shit doesn’t make any sense to me.

    1. diggz says:

      it’s called money and love for the music dumb ass, something you’ll never have.

      1. Miranda Garner says:

        Money. Again.

        You’re what’s wrong with hip hop. Broke ass works at fedex living through rappers. Go read a book.

  3. Merky says:

    much better than some of the new stuff I’m hearing these days. People like E40 paved the way for some of these weak new cats.

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