New Music: Game Ft. Lil Wayne x Chris Brown “Fuck Yo Feelings”
October 6, 2014 @ 5:42 PM EDT

Who Gives A Fuck?
For those still stuck in their feelings, Chuck, Tune and Breezy could careless on their new collaboration. The track is off the upcoming Blood Moon: Year Of The Wolf tape on October 14.
This is the generation of over saturation
Autotune in 2014 really?
What does the year have to do with anything? Smh u g unit ass kissers always hating on somebody. Why don’t y’all worry bout them niggas pushing back a 6 track EP? Why don’t you worry bout why SKI ain’t drop in Sept like fif said it would? Lol gtfoh with ur hate. Or like my nigga game said FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!!!!
This has nothing to do with 50 cent or gunit. Why are you getting so emotional? Niggas can’t have opinions know.
Hope u know who that is…. Lol
No who is it. He sounds like some fuck boy 90’s baby.
Gay ass me real talk… Only grown man I ever seen type so feminine on all his accounts…
So you niggassaying this gone outsell AA I’ll take that bet….
Yep Game will definitely double 43k the first week!
Cool you got a paypal?
Nigga u a known g unit ass kisser and MMG hater!!! That’s what it has to do with 50 lol it’s not an opinion when EVERY MMG post or Rick Ross post you have something negative to say. Don’t get scared now cause I’m calling your bitch ass out lol
Lol mmg hater, i don’t comment on every post they get. I have a job. Once again, why so emotional?
I agree totally.
As long as I don’t have to hear shit like this on the Documentary 2, I’m good.
I like this shit.. wish wayne had a verse though.
u must be one of the idiots that started to listen to rap in 2011…nothing u say is relevant
I said I wish Wayne had a verse… on a song he’s featured on what not relevant? You must be one of those I hate my life and yours to ass niggas.
game using every style but his own smh this some typical 2014 migos type bullshit
Man i was just thinking game having idenity issues.
Yeah, he went from 50 Cents’ bish boy, to the mentally ill clown of the west coast.
Game should probably just suicide at this point
he been doin that since the beginning of his career tho, yall act like it something new. dude used to sound like shyne
man i really hope game comes back with documentary 2 smh
Jaywan go sell a beat you fucking bitter ass bitch! Lol never seen a producer that stay on a blog all day & night smh
Another account? Lol
2 days bitch INstagram that LAX plane ticket so we know it’s real…
tf are you mac diesels personal bitch you always responding when a nigga calls him jaywan you looking funny in the light…
Yo that nigga on the down low! All he do is stalk niggas lol
Hahaha here goes this down low nigga!!! Smh u the only nigga that be hawking niggas on here and when I say niggas I mean anybody that got something bad to say about your man crush 50 lol. Don’t nobody know what your dumb ass be talking bout hahahaha u just a 50 fanboy. GTFO of my mentions you down low nigga smh
Yo you’re a fucking weirdo tho. Pot meet kettle.
Damn….this is the 2nd time in history that I agreed with you. What is the world coming to…..??
Game need to reconcile with fif to find his true identity.
Why would he go back to a nigga that he’s selling more than? 50 can’t even help his career, how he gonna help games?
Nigga you stupid fif is a boss fif got to much money.
So much of a boss he pushed back a 6 track EP! When they claim they got like 40 songs done. Yea ok that’s real boss hahaha
Stfu you rozay maniac go eat some wings.
Fucking garbage ass bullshit song.
Auto tune sounds absolutely ridiculous and we are 2014 for fuck sake,put that shit away.
Why the fuck would he use that shit?
Very disappointing,i sure as fuck hope we aint gonna see auto tune and a 100 collabs on Documentary 2
I’m not feelin this one bit.
I hate when Game is on his jack flow shit most of the time.
But i see why does shit like that.
Hes appealing to a whole other fan base when he does it.
Thats why hes more relevant and is going to sale more records than 50 and G Unit.
Don’t act like Game doesn’t be on his rap shit also he still gives people bars.
this is garbage. game isnt goin to be able to make another classic album like documentary without 50 but at least hes more relevant and has good songs sometimes
I hate this nigga Chris Brown!
Game stop making songs with these fuck niggas!
I Should have Frank Ocean fuck you fuck niggas!
Frank Ocean go ahead and fuck these fuck niggas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck this shit game. Damn what happened to using your own style.
This Game track is trash like some of yall
this is so bad
Song is dope!
Lil Wayne killed the hook, he always finds the perfect unknown talent to grace the chorus.
This is a disgrace, and I’m a Game fan when he’s on his shit and sounding like himself, dude’s personality got too far out in space to defend in hip hop debates years ago but he can make a good song when he really locks in. As far as Documentary 2 talk, I’d be more excited if he dropped Doctor’s Advocate 2. I’ve said this many times before, I wish he would just drop an album with no features, maybe one or two on a hook or something but really showcase that he can craft an entire song without trying to take advantage of someone else’s wave, doubt that shit’s in our future though.
Its an album not a tape…typical ignorant RR
Tired of Game not living up to his full potential. Documentary and The Doctor’s Advocate had me thinking dude could be a legend.
this is not that bad is it..that second game verse is crazy
every time he is coming out with new music he gives the whole album away first. i don’t get this strategy. on any artist.
All these Game haters and this shit still made top 5 post!
The “Real” Mac Diesel is actually beatmaker JAYWAN. Bitter because Rick ROss and MMG won’t buy his beats.
Man 50 was right,,, This goon Game is BIPOLAR. He has no core, he changes like the wind….
At least the Unit stays with their style.. This mentally ill clown known as Game can sing in Autotune all he wants – he will never be relevant again
I hope he’s just trolling with us. I mean he probably just made this garbage “Wolf of the Year” album to make us, fans mad, then he gonna come back next year and drop an awsome sequel for his Documentary album.
If he is not then he just simply fell the fuck off so fucking hard that he became fucking retarded.