Robin Thicke x Nicki Minaj “Shakin’ It 4 Daddy” (Letterman)

Courtesy of Alan’s baby boy, Crazy Eyes made her late night debut performing track 6 or 7 from Thicke’s Sex Therapy. Wish we coud’ve seen Dave’s reaction to this. SMH.

Sidebar: After taping the show yesterday afternoon, Nicki jetted down to the MIA to meet her President.

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  1. So Icy Boi! says:

    Yea Nicki can shake it for me!!!

  2. […] to AKPC_IDS += "12791,";Popularity: unranked [?]SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "TV Scoop: Robin Thicke x […]

  3. Can says:

    I never liked this joint, and I really don’t feel like it will age well.

  4. the truth says:

    robin thicke dances like a queer

  5. kingill89 says:

    @ The Truth

    Thanc You I thought I was the only 1 who notice that Ugly Gay Ass two step or white man C-walk he be doing

    1st time he performed it 106 I was like WTF is He doing Why is hand switching like that All that soul in his voice and cuz cant dance for shit

  6. H.N.I.C says:

    Man why Nicki Minaj be making all them silly faces ..try watching this shit on mute and then yousee what im saying the beesh look freaking stupid….

  7. Jimbo Slice says:

    “Nikki Minaj, Drake and Remi, “Do Our Thang”
    Yes she can shake it for daddy

  8. Bionic Pocahontas says:

    Love Robin, Hate Nikki

  9. Reasy F. says:

    Late night viewers probably were like Nicki who?

  10. Evo says:

    Watch it on Mute, pure comedy.

  11. DWills says:

    This song is garbage. What happened to original concepts and good music not using gimmicks to catch people. Real recognize real and this is terrible. Nikki makes no sense in anything she says. Her sentences have no destination they just float around. Peace Peace.

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