YN Editorial: Must Be Bobby

What does it take to be #1 ? Plenty of things. And patience is one of ’em. I first heard of B.o.B. in the fall of 2007 when we were working on XXL‘s Leaders Of The New School issue. “He could sing. He can rap. He’s got this song, “Cloud 9″. He’s dope!,” the staff told me. So even though he was less established than most of his counterparts on the 10 runners-up list, his profile was featured first. Seems like we’ve always wanted Bobby Ray to win.

Today it was announced that after a long battle with Rihanna’s “Rude Boy”, B.o.B.’s “Nothin’ On You” is the new #1 record in the country. First album. First single. Number one song. Julie Greenwald never lied. Shit, it took Jay-Z 11 albums. And even crazier is the chart’s biggest debut is Bob’s just-released second single, “Airplanes” at #12. It obviously seems destined to also top the charts. Now we’ve witnessed new rap acts who have come out the gate and dominated the pop charts but unlike a Flo-Rida, B.o.B. has credibility. At least, for now.

While out in Seattle at the EMP Music Conference, I got into a discussion with a fellow colleague, who thinks when the underground contingent hear the full Adventures of Bobby Ray album, they’ll be disappointed. Like Lauryn Hill’s Miseducation and Andre 3000’s Love Below, it just ain’t got not enough hip-hop power for the purists. “New wave tunes with Weezer?” He’s done changed.

My feeling was in many ways when it comes to sellout talk in 2010–we off that. Times are hard on the boulevard and the public wants their favorites to win. Make your money, nigga. We don’t begrudge you. Maybe shrug at you.  Officer Ricky Ross continues to prove good music trumps all character assassination. Plus the public’s response to all the album’s leaks has been overwhelmingly positive thus far. I just don’t see how B.o.B. can lose.

Oh yes. You. The consumer. The one with the biggest mouth and the emptiest pocket. The one who champions the Clipse and salutes Slaughterhouse but drops the ball when it’s time to make your presence felt. If we don’t support this culture, it’ll still survive—but it won’t thrive. Bloggers and insiders in the Twitter community praise the work that B.o.B.’s co-managers TJ and B-Rich have done but it’s all for naught if you don’t spend a lil dough next Tues.

The masses will determine if B.o.B.’s hip-hop next big star or a guy with a coupla of big hits. Yes I know the album just leaked but I think I’m gonna wait for the real thing. I like dude’s energy, feel like he’s more than paid dues, and I’ve heard enough good music to give him my support when it most counts. Whatever the end result, I hope Mr. Simmons has the patience and psyche to deal with all that comes with this. It’s hard enough to reach the top. It’s even harder to stay there.

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  1. amazinace says:



    GOTTA DO MY HOMEWORK !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kid VisionZ says:

    ^^ thats Exactly what YN’s Talkin’ bout. Biggest mouth, emptiest pocket, This is some of the realest shit you’ve said YN. And i’m glad u are using B.O.B as an example.

  3. Word says:

    Nice one!

    Peopel do be tryna ride Bobby Ray cuz he sing a little and try to say he ain’t “real hip hop” just cuz he ain’t on some “fuck the world” hardcore type gangsta shit. We off that. Niggas don’t care how many keys you moved when you was younger and how many dudes you cut. And hip hop don’t gotta be all rap rap rap all the time, I like how dude mixing his style up and keeping things fresh. Rap rap rap ain’t bad neither, but change is good. Change is very good.

  4. mouldy311 says:

    i loved him, then i heard ‘nothin on you’ and almost cried. it has nothing to do with pure hip-hop, but the soul of his music seems gone. that airplanes song with the girl from paramore is almost unbearable.

  5. leftsidewest says:

    B.O.B is the future! This kid is talented and he makes great music… I prefer him over that over hyped pop tart Drake, that’s for sure.

  6. Word says:

    And also, someone define what “real hip hop” is, and not what it isn’t.

  7. Dashing says:

    I saw B.o.B live with Lupe a couple of weeks ago and the dude is the real deal. It’s obvious when some people just have “it” and he does. Did he have some rockish joints that turned me off a bit? Yeah. But for every one of those songs there’s a dope track that is just ill enough to pull me out of my comfort zone.

    There’s a new class of dudes (Drake, Cudi, Jay Electronica) and he’s musically
    much more musically talented than all of them. Maybe not as witty as Drake, as out there as Cudi, or as lyrically gifted as Jay Elect/J.Cole. But his music has more depth and I bet his album will end up being stronger than any of theirs..

    Those dudes who hate on Waka Flocka, Soullja Boy etc. need to go out and support this dude if you want real dope music to be pushed out there. I’ll drop my dough on it.

  8. koa29 says:

    again YN, well written..i’m enjoying the shit you’ve put up on here the past few days.

    I downloaded the leak just because I want to hear it early, but i’m still going out to cop the album on April 27th…. The dude more than deserves it

  9. gerold says:

    Dope article YN

    I am still skeptical about him but I will check out his album and see if the hype is real

  10. Cudder says:

    Congratulations Bobby Ray.

  11. DGtheEnigma says:

    Before anyone makes a dumb comment about B.o.B. not being “Hip-Hop” enough, stop typing, download “Gladiators” w/ J. Cole, and understand that B.o.B. may be the most diverse hip-hop artist since Andre Three Stacks…and yes, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

  12. Drucifer says:

    Im gonna cop it………First album I bought since Blueprint 3

  13. Rhyme says:

    Good shit.
    I wont be buying B.O.B’s album, but I wish him well.

  14. 2dope2 says:

    Is he a sell out? I don’t believe so, his style is still the same with just more of a pop twist. With that said, I’m a little torn with the amount of that pop sound on the record, I liked the vibe of the B.o.B vs. Bobby Ray mixtape a bit more. Not necessarily just a lack of hip hop, but also that alternative feeling. With that said, my taste in music is very broad and I think he created an album that will most importantly attract the masses, including some of the hip hop community that has an open mind. When it comes to sales, we’ll just have to wait and see. Flo Rida is a perfect example of an artist with number one singles on iTunes, yet doesn’t move units. The difference is album quality. B.o.B’s entire record is good, and there’s something for everyone. I’ll be purchasing a copy Tuesday, and I hope you do too. Support quality albums in 2010, not just good music.


  15. B.Dot says:

    I wont be buying B.O.B’s album, but I wish him well.
    lol. thats like saying “fuck your family, but tell ur mom i said hi”

  16. teejay says:

    I’m gunna download the album, and if I like it and see replay value, I’ll buy it. That’s what I do with any album that leaks. Haven’t gotten bobby ray’s record yet, but I’ve heard a few tracks and I really dig it.

  17. David Gomez says:

    I agree with this. He may not be the best hip-hop artist but he is defiantly the most diverse. Each song he releases is way different then the next . I think nowdays people don’t just listen to one type of music like back in the day. My generation (im 20) grew up listening to all sort of genre’s of music and it shows with the next generation of musicians. They dont’ just sound hip-hop or just R&B or just Rock. They sound like all 3 now I for one am dropping my $10 on tuesday and supporting this guy.

  18. Cudder says:

    @ B.Dot

    hahaha i thought the same shit

  19. 2dope2 says:

    Also, he released enough mixtape material over the last two years to make purchasing the album valid. If he’s given you what you want to hear at some point, show Atlantic Records. That’s the beauty of the mixtape, there’s no record company in your ear about the material your releasing. The new age of the music industry, learn it and support artists you download music from years in advance of their first major release.

  20. gooch says:

    as a fellow YN i cosign your sentiments YN
    i will cop on tuesday

  21. Wayne Sidor says:

    YN ive been a long time reader, first time responder. Great article and really like your recent one concerning Shyne. This article explains so much of what I feel about the state of hip-hop. B.o.B couldnt be a greater example of how rappers have the opportunity to make hip-hop really “thrive.” He can be one of those guys, but its up to the listeners to make sure they take the right step and support really good music.

  22. nastynas says:

    ive seen this cat, hes got some mad talent man. he can play instruments, rap, sing, whatever. def gonna cop on tuesday. word up YN

  23. J.Spfld says:

    another great editorial YN…. B.o.B. is HipHop! HipHop to me is someone who’s willing to be different, creative, just be themselves and that is him….


    well then B.O.B., “f**k ur family and tell your mom i said hi” i guess. cousin JUST dropped off a copy of it. It’s OK? so…..glad i didn’t buy. wouldn’t have been long before it became a 15.00 coaster.

  25. money Mitch says:

    Well we know it’s not some true hip hop like some mobb deep circa 95, but he makes dope music just good music that’s all

  26. amazinace says:






  27. Gay Tony says:

    Everyone copt Thank Me Later so we can have a valid argument over if Drake is really that Dope or not. Then the following week you can send him a personalized letter THANKING HIM.

  28. mikey says:

    B.o.B is the future of hip hop

  29. RICH1 says:


  30. my_poop_was_green_just_now_BLACKOUT--- says:


    I wont be buying B.O.B’s album, but I wish him well. [-said by #RHYME#]
    lol. thats like saying “fuck your family, but tell ur mom i said hi” [-B.DOT]

    I SAY
    your completely wrong . So if a man doesn’t like another mans style yet he has enough understanding and respect to wish him well then he is in fact saying fuck that mans family? your post makes you out to be an ignorant asshole! Not to mention maybe that there fellow who originally posted might have been meaning that he won’t buy the album but instead buy the single like YN stated so many people do with singles by the likes of Flo-Rida.

    To me a “family” analogy would better worded as such:
    “I do not have the need for the products your family provides, or I do not have interest in such product. However I respect your hard work so i wish you all the best of luck!!

  31. E_M_P_E_R_O_R_ says:

    I Hope You Won’t Delete This Post When BOB Ends Up Doing 70k 1st Week.

  32. dman says:

    B.o.B is dopee and think he may just go farr and ofcourse having eminem on your album will always bring the hype up

  33. my_poop_was_green_just_now_BLACKOUT--- says:

    seems weird i never seen any editorials like this, this mixed with all the advertisment i think they getting paid to wirte this, yea i will cop but yall mother fuckers stink like fish

  34. Dashing says:

    I’m predicting 260K. Someone please quote me on that when the numbers come thru.

  35. WahBoogie says:

    Like Lauryn Hill’s Miseducation and Andre 3000’s Love Below, it just ain’t got not enough hip-hop power for the purists.


    Every Hip Hop head I know would tell you The Miseducation is 1 of the best albums of all time period!!!!

  36. Fat Boy says:

    BoB is the truth

  37. B says:

    Every hook he makes , sounds like a college rockband. White 14year old girl music. Iam truly disappointed with his album. Airplanes is just the worst song.. Rapers shouldt focus on the charts, just focus on doing great music. You get enough money anyway.. Just go home and listen to Clipse last album.. Thats real music.

  38. Ac@pella says:

    Real talk YN, 4real. Great music is always gonna get my money, no matter what genre it is. If u like ’em, support. Times ain’t that fuckun hard…Wus $10-13 (special edition)??? Broke ass niggaz…Support good music.

  39. Nathaniel says:

    he’s not a sell out. c’mon sons. that’s ridiculous. just because he’s a nigga from atlanta doesn’t mean he has to rap rap rap. truth be told, i’d rather hear the nigga sing anyday. his rhymeskills just don’t do it for me. maybe it’s his mic presence, iono. i’m interested in good music, i don’t care what genre. let Bobby Ray do his thing. it ain’t hard to tell (c) nas when a nigga is making authentic music, i think he does that.

    but i also worry that the features he has on his album will overshadow him. the paramore fans/eminem conglomerate probably aren’t even paying attention to that nigga in those songs. and the hip hop community probably ain’t too ear friendly to hayley williams either…just on some preference shit.

    i’m not impressed yet, honestly. i think i’ll cop it though just because it’s a break from the norm. whew…i got a lotta albums to buy this yr. kanye, lupe, common, dr. dre (yea right), big boi, nas & marley, maybe the eminem joint, j.cole …good yr.

    bumps new amerykah 2*

  40. Nathaniel says:


    keep those editorials coming. can’t lie, them shits are kind of refreshing.

  41. nina says:

    Good for him. Who gives a damn about the heads? Y’all don’t support. Like YN said check the clipse, they went from going double plat to nothing, but the heads love them. Eff that lol. Proud of the kid. Let him shine.

  42. Wayne Sidor says:

    So B. You use Clipse as an example of whats “real”. So what your essentially saying is you need to experience the real “hard” life in order to make “real” music. I disagree, you make music that represents yourself (by every definition of the word) and hope people enjoy it. IMO

  43. Yooo says:

    BoB is the future. Open your eyes and be open minded, this dude is a true artist.

  44. Ac@pella says:

    A lot of niggaz on here soundin’ bitter as fuck. B.o.B’s dope. Face it. If his music doesn’t suit ur taste, don’t listen to it. My question is, if ya’ll think he’s so fuckin wack, then y download the album to “check it out”, the STILL shit on him?!?!?!? Every artist can’t be the same. If u want that “raw, gritty, street shit” then throw sum Mobb Deep in ur iPod and put that shit on repeat and sit alone, angry for no valid reason, like its ’95 all over again. Tellin hip hop not to grow and expand is like telling ur daughter that she can’t get married, have kids, and live her life. U jus wanna always remember her as ur lil girl. GTFOH. Its all fun and games talkin bout shootin niggaz and sellin coke on record, til somebody gets shot or arrested, then everybody wanna scream “Free so and so!!!” Or “Y me Lord??? Y’d I have to get shot?!?!” I don’t know about ya’ll but I love living. My ideal type of music is a reflection of that. Yes, times r fucked up, but nobody wants to hear that shit 24/7. Its like being black, and everyday, someone walks up to like, “Ur black.” I know muthafucka! U ain’t gotta keep tellin me shit I’m living asshole. Open ur minds ppl.

  45. Dayum says:

    I’m not a fan but good luck to B.O.B.

  46. illaDeuce says:

    I like the editorials, and because of this one you have my word ima go to HMV and buy the album. Boost his Canadian sales

  47. whattaloser says:

    i read all this shit in here and no one really sounds bitter, and not a single person said “wack”
    looks like people respect dude even if they don’t like his music, not true for many rappers seems now-a-days its ether ppl love em or hate em. so you and all the others that are WAY too on the offensive when it comes to some of this stuff, YOU are in fact the sensitive ones and you need to relax and to be truly okay with your own opinions you should be okay with other peoples, its not like buying an album is voting for president or sumthing…

  48. :O( says:

    Bobby Ray = Main Stream

    B.O.B = Real Shit

    I Want B.O.B Not Bobby Ray The Sell Out Rap Nigga…… Thats Why He Change His Name To Fit In With White People

    We Want Haters Going Down For The Count I Think You A Hater I Think You A Hater

    Who Remember That Shit

    That’s That B.O.B Type Shit

    Fuck Bobby Ray Charles Ass Nigga

  49. teejay says:

    I’m glad artists like bob and kid cudi are expanding hip hop. And not in a bad autotune radio generic way, but expanding it artistically. Better yet, cudi and b.o.b. Are getting art played on the radio. Musically hip hop is doin great, commercially…

    If its good, buy it people. Support these artists so they’ll continue to make art.

  50. Shady doper than u says:

    Reallest article ever written by YN. Support real music! Support Bobby Ray!!

  51. Word says:


    I think Ac@pellas talking about people in general, on this site in other BoB posts and beyond who keep mentioning hes wack. Not just this post in particular. And nobody gotta specifically say hes wack either, some imply it.

  52. DARKAQUA says:




  53. :O( says:

    Bobby Ray = Main Stream

    B.O.B = Real Shit

    I Want B.O.B Not Bobby Ray The Sell Out Rap Nigga…… Thats Why He Change His Name To Fit In With White People

    We Want Haters Going Down For The Count I Think You A Hater I Think You A Hater

    Who Remember That Shit

    That’s That B.O.B Type Shit

    Fuck Bobby Ray Charles Ass Nigga

    Bobby Ray = SellOut

  54. Ac@pella says:


    Thank u. If niggaz took time to actually read, they woulda got what I was sayin’.

  55. Ruse901 says:

    Greatest post in YN history! Do it for Hip-Hop!

  56. AKILLEEZ says:

    Dope piece YN! I remember when B.O.B. first got signed when I was interning at Atlantic. It seemed like the label didn’t really know what to do with him when all along they should have just let him be him. Glad they didn’t drop the ball like they did with Saigon.

  57. Derty Kevin says:

    Give me a break with this CD buying shit. Artists have always made more money from touring than from album sales. Plus, it’s all relative anyways. As long as you have hype record sales don’t determine your rank, they mighty play a part but no one sales as much these days. And I’m sorry but, not many people around America were hyping up the slaughterhouse record. Maybe a few internet sites, but that doesn’t mean SHIT.

    WIth itunes now in full effect more people are just buying one or two tracks, because THAT IS ALL THEY WANT. Just because we like an artist doesn’t mean we have to fork over $20 for some songs we don’t even care for. B.O.B. has a number one single right now, that WILL get him money. As long as he’s on the radio he’ll sell out clubs when he comes through.

    I hate how people act like we’re hurting these artists so much by not copping the album. Let me tell you something, B.O.B. is already more paid than me and yet I’m, the criminal for not paying $20 to a guy who will be rich after touring? If the music is good, it will earn him money. And LOL @ that slaughterhouse shit, their first single was a dud and that turned a lot of people off from the project. I mean why do you think there are some artists that still sell? Drake will sell, B.O.B. will sell, they may not go platinum in the first week but DAMN, how cocky do these artists have to be? Just because he had one good single he needs to sell a million records to confirm it? Just make sure all the tracks are fire..the money and all that will come.

    /end rant

  58. Tutor says:

    @ Derty Kevin

    WTF are you talking about? I don’t mean it in an aggressive or disrespectful manner, I simply don’t understand what you posted or the point of your post.

    1st Are you saying this album costs $20? Are you saying you’re being pressured to buy a CD?
    2nd Are you upset at the idea of spending money on an entity that has more money than you?

    I don’t get it.

    Anyways, Let me say what I actually came to post.

    I hate hearing people talk about “Real Hip-Hop.” Ironically, that usually precedes/succeeds some naive rant on “Hip-Hop.” Step out of your limited mindset and open up to the full range of Hip-Hop; better yet of music.

  59. Dniro says:

    Been banging B.O.B back since December of 06 when I peeped that Cloud. 9 track from tjdj’s. Has his music changed since then, of course it has…dude is still way more talented than your avg rapper…people tend to forget that this is the “music business” so who can fault him for switching it up a bit to sell…it’s good to see someone grind for several years finally make it…do I care for that “nothing on you ” track, hell no. Shit I ain’t even realize it was him til I read it somewhere…I turned the radio the minute I heard lol…I thought it was too much like Lupe Fiasco Superstar….but much respect for the drop for my lil college radio show in flint Michigan back in 07…The Come Up Radio Show WKUF 94.3

  60. Reasy F. says:

    “Oh yes. You. The consumer. The one with the biggest mouth and the emptiest pocket. The one who champions the Clipse and salutes Slaughterhouse but drops the ball when it’s time to make your presence felt.”

    That right there sums it all up.

  61. Chip says:

    I like the YN editorials keep em coming

  62. Ac@pella! says:

    @Derty Kevin

    $20 for an album?!?!?!? Is it 1999 again??? Are niggaz still buyin albums at Sam Goody??? Wtf u on homeboy?…

  63. Derty Kevin says:

    Yeah I guess I am a little off on the prices, I only buy songs off of itunes. I just don’t like how YN said we were the reason Slaughterhouse didn’t catch on, the consumer. I think as long as people enjoy the music they’ll pay to see it live, which is worth way more to the consumer.

  64. Da Business says:

    Gr8 post YN, shit u’re the reason I started comin’ to this site. Been a fan since ur XXL(haven’t been the same since u left) days.

    Anyway, like u imma go old school and bypass the free download and cop it on iTunes when it drops. I have a good feelin’ about this kid, based on what I heard so far the lp should be solid.

  65. guesto says:

    So I downloaded but can’t find 5th Dimension, anyone have that?

  66. Wayne Sidor says:

    2nd Ac@pella

    I have to back him up cuz i think he was going off about people like

    B says:
    Wednesday, April 21 2010 at 5:37 PM EST
    Every hook he makes , sounds like a college rockband. White 14year old girl music. Iam truly disappointed with his album. Airplanes is just the worst song.. Rapers shouldt focus on the charts, just focus on doing great music. You get enough money anyway.. Just go home and listen to Clipse last album.. Thats real music.

    I duno about you, Whataloser, but thats hate and just the same as saying “wack”. I think he made a good point saying no one wants to hear aggressive hip-hop all the time. B.o.B is a breath of fresh air. Especially good mood music.

  67. sirehi says:

    yea uhhmm i just listened to his whole album, seriously, this aint no spam stuff, im not going to post no download link stuff, cause i really agree with this editorial, go support these new artists ya’ll..

  68. sirehi says:

    and also that 5th dimension track is a beautiful classic btw.. “we are entering into the 5th dimension, and did i mention, we gone” B.o.B is nice!! get it April 27th!

  69. Moe haM says:

    BOB______________BUY ALBUM
    BANKS____________BUY ALBUM
    LUPE_____________BUY ALBUM
    DRE______________BUY ALBUM

  70. Moe haM says:


    LUDA___________________BUY NEXT ALBUM
    KURUPT________________BUY ALBUM
    NICKIMINAJ______________HATE ON

    GET AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. Moe haM says:

    COP B.O.B. ALBUM!!!!


  72. mmkayy says:

    YN can u write an editorial without mentioning Jay-Z ?

    seriously tho how can B.o.B be selling out ???? he’s more than a rapper and always said he didnt fit in just ONE category.. imma def cop the album

  73. So Icy Boi! says:

    @DARKAQUA all the albums your talking about is R&B keyword R&B only females and old mutha fukaz brought them albums

  74. So Icy Boi! says:

    it aint about the album being 20 dollars …its about why keyword WHY will i buy a album when i can download it free or buy it off the streets for 5 dollars ??…its a recession ..why will people buy an album when they hardly can afford gas ? why should i make him rich ?? its not helping me … thats what people are thinking …. i aint buy a album since 2005

  75. doughboi773 says:

    i predict 50-60k first week….dudes gonna do wale numbers

  76. LBDII says:

    I’m twenty years old and B.o.B. is the first artist that I actually found before he was on a major, and actually become successful. Back when he released his first mixtape I was going through a bunch of top artist on myspace. Well B.o.B. was like 100 and something on an Independent type label. But I checked a bunch of artist saw that he had a free mixtape to DL. Dl’d it and knew since then that he was the guy. Me and my friends listened to him the last half of our high school years when no body knew who he was. So needless to say I have liked everything dude has done except I was disappointed in the B.o.B. vs. Bobby Ray mixtape but that was mostly the B.o.B. rap side oddly enough. May 25th was a great mixtape and when I heard Nothing On You I was hoping it would blow up because dude deserves it. I want to see him sell records. When I see B.o.B. have hit records it makes me proud of dude. Because i have been following him early on and I feel he is a different brand of artist. I will be buying his album April 27 (tuesday) and im excited to do it.

  77. Ac@pella! says:

    @So Icy Boi

    If niggaz can barely afford gas, then they need to:

    A. Find a better paying job.

    B. Don’t drive as fucking much, unnecessarily, therefore saving on gas.

    C. Jus don’t have a car at all.

    D. Learn how to be a grown up and budget ur fucking money more wisely.

    Niggaz’ll hate on buying someone else’s album, but complain about niggaz not supportin’ them when THEY wanna put some shit out (knowing their shit is wack anyways.) I don’t get how guys can’t spare 10 fuckin’ bucks for a piece of potential musicall history, if u KNOW the artist is good off hand, but invest their money in some material item that could possibly get them robbed or killed over, BECAUSE…there is a recession. I live in Detroit, as some of u may or may not know, and niggaz spend $1500-$3000 on Cartier glasses with diamonds and wood grain in them (knowin’ niggaz get killed over them shits here), $200 pair of Jordans, $800 Al Wissam leather coats, $125 polo shirts from Polo or Lacoste, $400 Mauri shoes, $350 @ Benihana’s but can’t spare $10 fuckin’ bucks on their favorite artist’s album??? That truly puzzles me…

  78. Ac@pella! says:

    My 10 year old twin cousins and their 7 year old sister can save and budget money better than some fucking grown ups…

  79. CANEnova says:

    Good posts…B.O.B. shit is cool from what i’ve heard so far…Jus dont forget that downloads do affect record company profits wich affect the type of deals they are willing to offer new talent…its no wonder u have so many independents poppin up on majors. Not to many artists can get over that download hump tho…gotta respect the grind

  80. chitlin coon says:


  81. So Icy Boi! says:

    @Ac@pella! STFU nigga out all these to make a budget for why would somebody have budget to get a CD dat mite only have 2 good songs ?

  82. Deuce Deuce says:

    the album is good….actually its GREAT…listened to it 4 times from start to finish…..BUT its not really a hip-hop album….its more like a fusion album, with rap, alternative and poppy styles….enjoyable but as I said not quite a rap album….all the best to ya Bobby Ray

  83. Guegz says:

    Hip Hop Might survive after all! I’m copin that shit 4 sure Bobby ray!

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