DMX Speaks On Jail Sentence

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Although DMX was released from jail three weeks ago, he is returning to the big house for the next 90 days. His charge stems from a 2002 driving infraction in L.A.. Before turning himself in, X spoke with 1515 about his next stint.
“What’s going on today is that I’m going to turn myself in. Me and my crew, we came to the conclusion that would be best. It was something that happened years ago, a driving in infraction. I like L.A., I like the fans, I like to come out here to work. I wanna get that over with. It’s one of the first steps in regaining everything I lost. My relationship with God has gotten so much stronger. He’s always had his hand on me. He always guided me. I didn’t always go where he wanted me to go. But he always had me. Now that I’m actually listening and being obedient, life is so much better.”
Keep ya head up X a good dude who’s made some bad choices
Very good for X. 2 Thumbs Up for that nigga.
people still care about this guy?
go away please
Why does he talk like that? lolololol
^ He talks like that because he’s been through some shit you couldn’t even imagine.
If anyone ever tells you that religion is so important because of all the good it could do for someone, just point them in DMX’s direction. I’m not saying that religion is the cause of his problems, but that is certainly one brother who would greatly benifit from less delusion. Just sayin’.
Good luck, X.
Its good to see he’s trying to get his shit together and make his life better..
I pray for X. He is ill, I hope he gets it together, he does look way more healthy.
Keep ya head up X a good dude who’s made some bad choices
X got some demons but so does everyone, just is. His demons are eating at him right now…
this is some shit from 02 cmon now that’s bullshit and you know it
that hard fucked up X. true shit. do YOUR research. he been fightin that battle since he was a teenager. i hope he can get himself back on track though. one of the realest ever.
X ur real fans love u and need u back in the game, one of the badest rappers out there, Don’t Stop! I miss that voice. Hurry! u didn’t lose anything u had to shed the old to step into the new.#1 fan
I’m glad to see the positive attitude bro. Good luck X.
translation – I’m now on HEAVY medication…
crack is what fucked up X even if he was part of the illuminati im sure child abuse and drug addiction to cocaine in your preteens would have more negative bearing on your life than a secret society, keep yo head up X still one of my favorite rappers ever
Damn, dude is livin it up til he goes back in. Must have had a long night. #stillcrackedout