50 Cent Says Creating Mixtapes & Remixes Are Easy

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Curtis tells MTV that when it comes to producing a mixtape or writing a remix, it’s as easy as Sunday morning. 

“Mister Cee plays a lot of that music still. I had Cee send me a CD

that he thought would be hot to hear. Production-wise, I wanted them to

still feel what the youthful audience feels is hot right now. Writing a

remix is easy. It’s just putting the words to the scenario. If you have

no production plan, that’s when it starts to get easy. Mixtape material

is easy for me. Two days, three days, [I record it]. I know who I’m

talking to.”

And in case you don’t know, he’s referring to the “general public.” Gotta love those buzz words.

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  1. Kit Walker says:

    zzzZZZZZ fucking 50 man the dr.phil psychoanylist of the rap game will he never shut the fuck up with his bullshit interviews always anaylsing everything and trying to create smoke and mirrors with interviews instead of actually making good music and all this bring gangster rap back is bullshit it didn’t go anywhere its just not particulaly mainstream at the moment its still potent on the underground it has just switched with the more back pack music (through kanyes movement then lupe then the freshmen and so on, fuck their just making better music now can’t front on that and shed baby gutter gangster 50 tears) that used to be underground when gangster rap was commercial

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