Author: B.Dot

Rick Ross Plans To Sue Rick Ross

Will the real Rick Ross please stand up? Yesterday, a press release was sent out that theex-drug lord is set to file a lawsuit against the rapper bearing the same name. The plaintiff was released from prison in 2009 after serving 15 years. He recently spoke to XXL on the reasoning behind the suit. “I just want my name back. I don’t want to have to be ‘the real Rick Ross.’ When I go places I have to explain to […]

T.I. Says Eminem Held Him Down While Away

[vodpod id=Video.3705986&w=425&h=350&] T.I. tells MTV that during his time in prison, Eminem’s words of encouragement helped him get through his bid. “Em personally reached out to me, and we been speaking ever since, especially since I went through my situation [with having to go to prison]. [He would] just kinda remind me that ‘I’ve been through dark period in my life too. You’re gonna make it. You’re one of the ones we need, so you’re gonna make it. Stand tall […]

Nicki Minaj VIBE Cover Promo Photo

“I love Nicki Minaj/ I told her I’d admit it/ I hope one day we get married just to say we fucking did it/ And girl I’m fucking serious I’m with it if you with it/ Cause your verses turn me on and your pants are mighty fitted/uh, damn/ I think you caught me in a moment.” Drake ain’t lie. Issue on newsstands soon. vibe

Wyclef Awarded Honorary Doctorate

Wyclef was bestowed with a honorary doctorate this past Sunday at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury. Following his commencement speech Wyclef Dr. Jean was also presented with a $9,500 check for his Yele Haiti foundation. He told the graduating class: “Create a vision based on your specific gifts, talents and tools. There is greatness in simply being you and using your skill to do something with your vision — and to put your personal plan in motion.” Last September, […]

Big Boi Pitchfork Freestyle

[vodpod id=Video.3701450&w=425&h=350&fv=mediaId%3D59e48e8299c64f70878965dd702c5ed7%26amp%3BadConfigurationChannelId%3Dec0b5b44155848e7930c7e9c8303c837%26amp%3BplayerForm%3D88a26316a62d4655a806dda0da4e95ca%26amp%3B%3Dtrue%26amp%3BdefaultQuality%3DHD] Pitchfork caught up with Sir Lucious Left Foot at The New York Shaving Company and after selecting two instrumentals, he kicked an unofficial “Shutterbug (Remix)” followed by an off the dome freestyle.