Author: B.Dot

Jay-Z’s Hottest MC Acceptance Speech

Speeech: “MTV, Thanx for this nod of appreciation. Although I don’t strive to be ‘hot’ for any particular year, I thank you for the acknowledgment. My whole goal is to be recognized as the best ever. I created the term ‘best rapper alive’ as a sign of respect to my fallen comrades (Biggie and Tupac). I believe I’ve allowed a significant grace period, and I believe I would not be respecting myself if being the absolute best was not my […]

Def Jam 25: Scarface “The Fix”

Within the last decade, one of the best products to roll off Def Jam’s assembly line was Scarface’s The Fix. Released seven years ago, the album was revered as one of Face Mob’s best work. 636,000 fans agreed and The Source bestowed it with a 5 mic rating. Aside from the poignant lyrics, what made The Fix so special was its escape. A colleague revealed to me that the album influenced him to get baptized. He said found he solace […]

GFK Wizdom Of The Week # 7

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3603477&w=425&h=350&] Nearly two months in and Ghost Deni continues to kick knowledge. This week, he gives tips on what kind of girl not to give a ring to. Mrs. Carter got it wrong.