Author: B.Dot

Tony Yayo’s Mad As Hell

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…And is not going to take it anymore! With the 1515 Boys around, he gets a couple things off his chest.

“Rick Ross man, you got Lil Wayne talking up for you.You a C.O. at the end of the day. Police, man. Correction Officer. Hot Rod? Whoo Kid sad he ain’t doing no mixtapes with you…Ja Rule, stop making fucking records.”

Wait, No Whoo Kid x Hot Rod mixtape?! Ah man, what. will. I. do?

Busta Rhymes: “Congolmerate” x “Scenario” (Live)

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Above, Jason comes through and turns Santos inside out. Below, an oldie but goodie. More to come.

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Busta Rhymes: “Rhymes Galore” x “Tear Da Roof Off” x “Party Goin’ On Over” (Live)

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With his album in stores today, Trev made a final promotional push last night at Santos in NYC. And with a catalouge 20 years deep, Busta set lasted well over an hour.  After the jump check out “Tear Da Roof Off” and “Party Goin’ On Over.” More footage on the way.