Author: B.Dot

Public Enemy Animated Movie?

MTV reports that Public Enemy are in talks to produce a full length animated movie based on their comic book.

“The first ‘Public Enemy’ graphic novel collection comes out in May and there is a lot of interest from Hollywood…It would definitely be animated,” our source confirmed. “There is lots of talking going on.”

The irony is that Flav’s already a cartoon, so it’ll be intresting to see how they pull this one off. 

Its The Real: The Craziest Things We’ve Heard All Week (Teaser)


Just in case you missed it, The Rosenthal Brothers have fully officially gone Hollywood. Check out the teaser for their new vid dropping this Wednesday featuring the Chairman of Comedy.

“You know what sucks? My nickname is Nick! It’s like, you know, having your birthday on Christmas. Two celebrations, one present.”