Yelawolf called Green Lantern and Boss Lady last night on Invasion Radio. During their conversation, Yela explained why he’s no longer using Twitter and due to the leaking of an unfinished version of “Gangsta Of Love”, he says the track will no longer be his first single nor appear on Radioactive.
Author: B.Dot
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Guess who’s back? After noticing Freddie Gibbs’ insightful and often humorous observations on sports through his Twitter account, Rap Radar decided to give him a forum to express his thoughts on the thrills of victory and the agonies of defeat. It’s Gangsta Gibbs Wide World Of Sports. The black Bill Simmons is here. And for his 12th column, Gibbs weighs in on the NBA’s second lockout.
[vodpod id=Video.12366278&w=425&h=350&fv=p%3Ds%26s%3D1398970%26tbid%3D207%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26] From behind the prison wall, Gucci Mane called DJ Drama and Waka Flocka on Hot 107.9 in Atlanta (5:00 minute mark). La Flare says the Ferrari Boyz album will drop August 9th and after his release (which should be today), he promises not to return to the clink. hhnm
Esther returns to the front of KING magazine for their Sept/Oct edition. Issue hits newsstands July 17th, but in the excerpt below, she admits to not knowing Joe Budden prior to dating him. Unfortunately, there’s been more focus on your recent public split with rapper Joe Budden. He does have a track record when it comes to being associated with video models. Did you know this going into your relationship? With me, I had no idea who he was, what […]
Over 66 trillion years ago… aaah nevermind. Glass Ton Berry. Oh shit, a Jay Electronica sighting! Over the weekend, Elect shared a photo from his tumblr of he and Jay-Z while Hov was in town for Glastonbury. Over the last several months, Elect has been recording his album across the pond. When you gon drop that verse nigga? You takin’ long!
[vodpod id=Video.12274572&w=540&h=350&fv=] Evidently, this was shot prior to Gucci’s ice cream paint job. Nonetheless, here’s his new video in support of the Jewelry Selection mixtape with DJ Holiday. It’s NSFW (Not Safe For Work), but fuck it, it’s a holiday.
“Never trust a big butt and a smile…why I ain’t listen to that song?!” AC caught Kanye in New Orleans this weekend for the annual Essence Music Festival. While on stage, ‘Ye had his DJ play some of his favorite oldies but goodies. That Bell Biv DeVoe gets ’em every time.
Bad Meets Evil called in to DJ Whoo Kid’s show today on Shade 45. Diversehiphop was listening and comes through with a rip of the audio. Part 1: On Hell: The Sequel debuting at #1 and response from Mike Epps on “I’m On Everything”. Part 2: Evil explains Nicki Minaj line and overall chemistry with Bad. Part 3: Proof’s role on Bad Meets Evil reuniting and The Alchemist’s late pass. Part 4: Fourth of July weekend plans.
Mainstream America may be scared of Uncle Murda, but Mariah and Nick aren’t. Excuse the air conditioner, but after explaining his mini-hiatus, he talks about his relationship with Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. A few years ago, Mimi said she was a big fan of Murda’s single “Bullet Bullet”. At the 2:10 mark, he says he recently caught up with the couple and says he has yet to send over a present for their newborn twins. Murda luh da kids.
[…] set to drop on April 21. Unlike traditional mixtapes that feature DJs hosting and blending tracks, Fab is taking a different approach, opting for a project free from […]