Author: B.Dot

J.Cole Remakes ESPN BBTN Theme

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”cole-espn-bbtn”] Not too long ago, ESPN reached out to J.Cole to revamp their theme song for Baseball Tonight. Check out the end results in the clip above. Sounds like he knocked this one out the park.

Kreayshawn Addresses $1 Million Rumor

Let me get cha up to speed old timer. Kreayshawn is an up-and-comer from Oakland affiliated with Lil B and Odd Future. A few days ago, Miss Info said she signed a million dollar contract with Sony based on the song above. This afternoon, Complex posted an in-depth interview with her where she says the deal has yet to be completed. “[As far as the deal with Sony] nothing is finalized yet. But we’ve definitely been taking a whole bunch […]

Adrien Brody Reads “10 Crack Commandments”

This was uploaded to YouTube earlier this month, but we’re just now getting wind of it. While at the Academy of American Poets in NYC, Oscar winning actor Adrien Brody paid homage to Biggie by reciting the lyrics to his classic track, “10 Crack Commandments“. This clip is strictly for my hustlin’ niggas. lowkey

DJ Semtex Interviews Swizz Beatz

[vodpod id=Video.9895325&w=540&h=350&fv=config_settings_showUpdatedInFooter%3Dtrue%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_bitrateFloor%3D400%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_showPopoutCta%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_showPopoutButton%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bconfig_plugin_autoResumePlugin_recentlyPlayed%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_suppressRelatedLinks%3Dtrue%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_skin%3Dblack%26amp%3Bconfig%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Ebbc%252Eco%252Euk%252Femp%252Fiplayer%252Fconfig%252Exml%26amp%3Bplaylist%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Ebbc%252Eco%252Euk%252Fiplayer%252Fplaylist%252Fp00h670t%26amp%3Bconfig_settings_showFooter%3Dtrue%26amp%3B] While Swizz Beatz was across the pond, he caught up with DJ Semtex. He speaks on his involvement on Jay-Z and Kanye West’s Watch The Throne and says his album Haute Living will be out on his birthday, September 13th. hhnm

T.I. Sponsors Prison Bus Trip

Although T.I.’s currently serving an 11 month sentence at Forrest City Correctional Facility in Arkansas, he celebrated this Memorial Day by sponsoring a bus trip for families of 14 inmates. The charter bus named “To See a Love One,” picked up folks from Atlanta and Alabama for visits yesterday. T.I. is scheduled to be released this September. “I’ve been blessed to receive tons and tons of mail from my fans, family and friends, as well as get visits on a […]