Author: B.Dot

Rick Ross Covers Complex

Inspired by the film Jaws 2, Rick Ross and actor Andy Samberg cover the June/July issue of Complex. As always, the feature is already available to read. Tangible version hits newsstands June 7th. Rick, is there anyone you don’t fuck with comedically? R: I fuck with my homie right here. We don’t fuck with Carrot Top. A: I don’t think I would step to Carrot Top, though—he’s jacked as hell. [Laughter.] But maybe if you were rolling with the Bawse…? R: […]

Uncle Luke At NAACP Mayoral Debate

On Tue Vote for me punch # 17 Luke for Mayor I will be the first black Mayor of Miami-Dade an the best Mayor in the History of Miami-Dade. That’s my Word. If you like to volunteer work the polls make calls pass out flyers e-mail us at [email protected] This Tue punch #17 Luke for mayor. A week ago, Luke and seven other Mayoral candidates participated in a NAACP debate at the New Birth Baptist Church in Miami. Here’s a […]

Bloomberg TV Interviews Swizz Beatz

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”swizz_bloomberg”] Bloomberg TV sits down with Swizz Beatz for their latest installment of “Inside Track”. They discusses his monstrous portfolio and residency at New York University. Grammy Award-winning rapper and music producer Swizz Beatz talks about the impact of Apple Inc.’s iTunes on music marketing and strategy for spurring music sales in today’s environment. Swizz Beatz, speaking with Deirdre Bolton on Bloomberg Television’s “InsideTrack,” also discusses his teaching position the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at New […]

Stephen Hill On BET Awards Backlash

The BET Awards nominations were announced earlier this week and not everyone was too pleased. The network’s site interviewed President of Music Programming and Specials, Stephen Hill to provide some insight. Below is a breakdown on some of the hot button issues. The Awards air June 26th. On Trina’s snub for Best Female Rapper Okay, that was because Trina didn’t submit a video that was in during the eligibility period. Let me back up. To be eligible, here’s what you […]

R.I.P. Macho Man Randy Savage

‘Lizabeth, he’s coming to join ya. According to TMZ, former WWF superstar and hip-hop influencer Macho Man Randy Savage died from a heart attack in Tampa, Florida while driving. He was 58. Back in 2003, he took a stab at rapping and released an album Be A Man. Peep his career highlights.