Author: B.Dot

New Video: Consequence “The World Is Watching”

Sigh… I use to hear the term “TroubleMaker” and equate it as something negative. I now regard it as a term of endearment. With that being said, if what you’re about to witness makes me a “TROUBLEMAKER” then indeed… It’s time to start some TROUBLE. The moments depicted in this clip have been in front of US all along. I hate to be the “Bearer of Bad News” but ‘Movies On Demand 3’ will be the MOST CONTROVERSIAL project that […]

Michelle Obama Digs Pete Rock & CL Smooth ?

According to the Chocolate Boy Wonder, First Lady Michelle Obama’s got a sweet spot for his and CL Smooth’s, Mecca And The Soul Brother. Apparently her favorite tracks are “T.R.O.Y.” and “Straighten It Out”. (Safe picks!) Below is what he said via his Twitter account. Think we can get an official statement from the White House? Ha! Yo yall not gonna beleive this lol but the 1st lady works out to T.R.O.Y and she also said that she likes straighten […]

Meek Mill Speaks On “Tupac Back”

[vodpod id=Video.7144249&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Before Meek Mill took the stage at SOB’s, Amaya caught up with him in the kitchen—wait, the kitchen? Ah well, get it how you live. Meek speaks on his single “Tupac Back”, the MMG compilation Self Made and his debut album.