Author: B.Dot

FUSE On Demand With Jim Jones

[vodpod id=Video.5527084&w=425&h=350&fv=] For the entire month of February, FUSE has given Jim Jones his own On Demand channel. Here’s one of the promo clips of him giving out free New York City taxi cab rides. If all goes well, Capo could possibly land his own show on the network.

Justin Bieber Talks “Speakin In Tungs” Freestyle

[vodpod id=Video.5525496&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dord%253D384558579884469500%2526tile%253D2%2526reportDartNValue%253Dmusicnewsjustinbieberspeakingintongues2711%2526reportDartSubValue%253Dvideohub%2526reportDartZone%253Dvideo%2526reportPropSubSection%253Dmusic_news%2526reportPropSeason%253D_2010%2526reportPropPageName%253Dmusic_news__justin_bieber_speaking_in_tongues__2711] Carl Chery ran into Justin Bieber at the BET offices last week and briefly asked how his “Speakin In Tungs” freestyle came about. Yabba Dabba Doo rap. For. The. Win.

T-Pain Set To Leak RevolveR

T-Pain’s ready to take matters into his own hands and leak his fourth album, RevolveR. He turned to his Twitter account late last night and offered the explanation below. Since nobody wants to respect this form of art that you all say we “love” so much, I’m just gonna go ahead and start leakin the album myself tonight. well maybe I shouldn’t rant but everybody was lookin at me strange when I said I didn’t wanna drop my album, it’s […]