Author: B.Dot

Lupe Brings Out Stepdad in Australia

[vodpod id=Video.5423948&w=425&h=350&fv=] Lupe’s still in the land down under and during his show last night at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney, he brought out his stepfather. Yes, you bigots, he’s White. Gasp! He then went on to explain why he uses a British accent on his Japanese Cartoon projects. lupeend

The Sit-Down With Dee Vazquez: Bloggers vs. DJs

[vodpod id=Video.5417255&w=425&h=350&fv=] Dee Vazquez rounded up a few good men for another sit-down on Shade 45. This time, the panel discussed Bloggers vs. DJs. A few weeks ago on Twitter, I opened a Pandora’s Box on a similar topic: Do DJs even break new artists anymore? Once upon a time, a jock would actually spin a record if they believed in it. But now, it seems as if they’re second guessing themselves. Personally, it’s not a blogger’s responsibility to break […]

50 Cent vs. WSHH On Hot 97

People can’t be this naive. Earlier this afternoon, popular video site worldstarhiphop was taken offline. Most likely due to a technical glitch or oversight. Soon after 50 Cent claimed responsibility for the shutdown via Twitter. I don’t know why people underestimate me. I just shut down WORLDSTAR for future advertising contact suckers lol. I put worldstar to bed, you don’t believe try me I will shut your sh*t down. Lol. I predict 2 more web sites will shut down […]

Wiz Khalifa Performs At Heinz Field

Wiz was back in his town last night and performed his hit, “Black And Yellow” during the AFC Championship game between the Steelers and Jets. As fate would have it, the Steelers walked away victorious (24-19) and are heading to Super Bowl XLV in Dallas. Hopefully by then, “Black And Yellow” cracks the top spot on Billboard.