Author: B.Dot

Talib Kweli On Juan Epstein

Juan Epstein returns for their first podcast this year with Talib Kweli. Below is rundown of what was discussed. Ciph is back and he brought Talib Kweli with him for some good old Juan Ep talk. We talked about Ciph’s return, Dave Chappelle, Kweli’s djing, my hate of commercial music, and lots of other fun crap. Enjoy!

Michael Rapaport On Documentary Rift

Last month, Q-Tip explained to YN on Shade 45 why he was no longer supporting the A Tribe Called Quest documentary. Director Michael Rapaport spoke with MTV on Tip’s stance against the film. “I think the reason he did his little Twitter thing was because when he realized that the movie was coming to completion and going to get seen by people,” Rapaport said. “I can’t really speak for him but I think he got a little nervous. He’s a […]

Uncle Luke May Run For Miami Mayor

Over 20 years ago, Luke was banned in America. But now Uncle Luke is considering running for Mayor of Miami. The city’s incumbent Carlos Alvarez, is set to be recalled on March 15th. On Miami News Times blog, Luke wrote: If Carlos Alvarez gets recalled, I will seriously think about running for Miami-Dade County mayor. And should I win, I would make everyday I am in office a reality show. Everyday, Miami-Dade residents will have transparency in the mayor’s office. […]

Ludacris Explains Soul Headphones

[vodpod id=Video.5339049&w=425&h=350&] At the CES convention last week, BE caught up with Ludacris as he gave a breakdown of his Soul headphones. Too much competition for two ears! What type of input did you provide towards the engineering of the Soul headphones? Bridges: We went through a lot of stages. It’s been a process and we were extremely specific about every detail. After two years we’ve gotten exactly what we wanted. It’s the closest thing to perfection. There is […]