September 19, 2011 @ 2:14 PM EDT
What you know about this life? Ty Kidd Previously: Never Disrespected
What you know about this life? Ty Kidd Previously: Never Disrespected
I don’t give a F, told you I’m a G. Ty Kidd Previously: Imagine That
The world is yours. Happy birthday, Nasir. Ty Kidd Previously: Don’t Worry
Why do we die at an early age? Rest in peace, Pac. Ty Kidd Previously: Paid Dues
Happy birthday, Barry. R.I.P. Ty Kidd Previously: You Know Me
Welcome to my power circle. Mike, you’re on one. Ty Kidd Previously: Things Will Change
Remember how it used to feel at the start of it? Ty Kidd Previously: Banana Pudding
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