Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Teedra Moses Discusses MMG Deal

Now that Teedra Moses is down with Rozay’s Maybach Music Empire, the songstress tells Billboard that she plans to heat the summer up with her mixtape, Luxurious Undergrind. Below, she discusses how her deal happened. The Juice: First and foremost, how did your deal with Maybach Music come about? Teedra Moses: It was real amazing. I was out for my birthday December of last year. Came in late from drinking with my girls and decided to get on Twitter and […]

N.O.R.E. Reacts To Prodigy Excerpt

[vodpod id=Video.6675743&w=540&h=350&] Noreaga gave MTV his side of the story on the incident with Mobb Deep, which was described in Prodigy’s autobiography. N.O.R.E admits that he was jumped, but claims a .9mm (not a tec-9) was used during the altercation that left Ty Nitty shot in the back. Although N.O. is confused as to why P would touch on the subject, he says that the two spoke the other day and that no friction will recur. Sidebar: Prodigy Welcomes Creative Control | Nore’aster

Game Detained In Canada

  Not everyone is celebrating 4/20 today. After waiting three hours in Canadian customs, Game was denied across the border. He then turned to Twitter and annocuned that he will be detained for 14 days. O Canada! Been in Customs for 3 hours……. #patienceIsAvirtue.Customs officials just denied me entry into Canada. I’m sorry 2 ALL my fans but I was mislead by promoters & assured I would be able 2 enter. This just in: I’m being detained in Canada for 14 […]