Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Flavor Flav Frying That Chicken

A yo, check this out. Yesterday, Flavor Flav officially opened up his new fried chicken restaurant, Flav’s Fried Chicken in Clinton, Iowa. And in the clip above, he displays his culinary skills on the deep fryer. Flav started out selling 99-cent chicken wings at Mama Cimino’s in Las Vegas with business partner Nick Cimino. Move over Ms. Peachez.

First Date: Lil B

[vodpod id=Video.5417949&w=425&h=350&] While chowing down Chinese cuisine, MTV‘s Rya Backer gets Lil B to spill his turn-ons and his ideal first date. Nice grace Brandon. Thank you Based God.

Michael Rapaport On ATCQ Film Premiere

[vodpod id=Video.5415105&w=425&h=350&] Director Michael Rappaport tells MTV how disappointed he was that Phife Dawg was the only member of the group in attendance for A Tribe Called Quest documentary that premiered at Sundance Festival in Utah on Saturday. “The last time I was with Q-Tip, he was fawning over the movie, [saying] ‘I love the movie. I think it could do this, I think it could do that.’ His feeling about the movie was even higher than my feelings about […]