Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Lil Wayne Completes First Post-Jail Song

Nino Brown aka @liltunechi Got His First Song Since Rikers Coming To Yall Soon…Just Think A 2010 Version Of A Milli..But On Streroids Last week, Lil Wayne made his return to the booth since his release from Rikers Island. And today, DJ Scoob Doo revealed Mr. Carter’s first recording is complete, but while we wait for the title and its release, imagine his 2008 hit on drugs. rap-up

ODB’s Son Remembers His Father

[vodpod id=Video.4911434&w=425&h=350&] Yesterday marked the sixth anniversary of Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s passing. While discussing his upcoming projects with MTV, ODB’s son, Boy Jones reflects on his fondest memory with his pops and their comparisons. Like father, like son. “Him eating clams with hot sauce. That’s probably the first time I had clams in my life. That’s something that I do on the regular. I just went to [a] sushi bar last night. It’s in my blood, it’s supposed to be like that. Some people be just hating a […]

Jay Electronica Signs To Roc Nation

Moments ago, Jay-Z announced at his secret event at The Box in NYC, that Jay Electronica is latest addition to Roc Nation. Congrats! This calls for a celebration. Ace of Spades for everyone! UPDATE: Angela Yee captures Jay Elect performing a new song. [vodpod id=Video.4899112&w=425&h=350&fv=] “If you want that turmoil, I’ll Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Worldstar you/RapRadar, NahRight, 2DopeBoy you…”