The Motion Picture lets us tag along with Bobby Ray and gives us a insider experience during his show in Dublin, Ireland last week. Another day, another adventure.
Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong
[vodpod id=Video.4881248&w=425&h=350&fv=] Although this track is dumb old, tomorrow is Veterans Day, so Spiff TV gives us a behind the scenes look at the upcoming video. Salute. wshh
[vodpod id=Video.4881946&w=425&h=350&fv=%26amp%3Bskin%3DMP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf%26amp%3Bembed%3Dtrue%26amp%3BadSizeArray%3D300x240%26amp%3BadSrc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad%252Edoubleclick%252Enet%252Fadx%252Ftsg%252Ekriv%252Fentertainment%252Fmusic%252Fdetail%253Bdcmt%253Dtext%252Fxml%253Bpos%253D%253Btile%253D2%253Bfname%253D101105%252Dlegendary%252Dhouston%252Drapper%252Dwillie%252Dd%252Dgoes%252Dto%252Dprison%253Bloc%253Dsite%253Bsz%253D320x240%253Bord%253D1810649528315913%253Frand%253D0%252E33630154500177545%26amp%3Bflv%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252Ffeeds%252FoutboundFeed%253FobfType%253DVIDEO%255FPLAYER%255FSMIL%255FFEED%2526componentId%253D133672448%26amp%3Bimg%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252F%252Fphoto%252F2010%252F11%252F05%252F101105williedspeaks5pm%255Ftmb0003%255F20101105171935%255F640%255F480%252EJPG%26amp%3Bstory%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252Fdpp%252Fentertainment%252Fmusic%252F101105%252Dlegendary%252Dhouston%252Drapper%252Dwillie%252Dd%252Dgoes%252Dto%252Dprison%26amp%3Bcategory%3Dbusiness%26amp%3Btitle%3D101105williedspeaks5pm%26amp%3Boacct%3Dfoximfoximkriv%2Cfoximglobal%26amp%3Bovns%3Dfoxinteractivemedia] Last week Geto Boys’ Willie D was sentenced to a year and a day in prison for scamming iPhones. Willie D appeared on FOX 26 in Houston to speak on the reasoning behind his current predicament and beginning his term on December 4th. “Somebody did me wrong, somebody stole my phones, and so I did the same thing to somebody else. I didn’t necessarily steal their phones, I just didn’t ship them. I took the money and didn’t ship their orders. […]
PUSH! is a man of his word and after giving fans a sample yesterday, he pushes his free album over our way. Dope! Tracklist and download link after the jump.
It’s been awhile since we’ve seen XV around these parts, but now the Warner Bros. signee goes above and beyond over Weezy and Drizzy’s current single.
To help Malice usher in his upcoming novel, Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind And Naked, he lays one down with a new recording bearing the project’s name. ” I was trying to be a rapper, not an author. Never would I have ever imagined that I would have to share a story so personal and of such magnitude with the entire world. Wretched…tells of my highest highs and my lowest lows. It speaks of my childhood, family life, and life in […]
Mikkey kicked off his weekly music series strong last week and today is no different. No I.D’s on the beat again, but it won’t be included on his upcoming, The Dark Room. Still pretty dope there, boy. andrew
Break ups to make ups—that’s what they do. XXL reports that Gucci Mane has reunited with Mizay Entertainment’s (Waka Flocka’s mother), Debra Antney. Earlier this year, La Flare parted ways with the company. She says: “That’s my nephew. I love him. This is beyond the music game.”
Kanye’s interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning didn’t go over so well. Kanye turned to his Twitter account and expressed his frustration with the host. I went up there to express how I was empathetic to Bush because I labeled him a racist and years later I got labeled as a racist…. While I was trying to give the interview they started playing the “MTV” under me with audio!!!!!!! I don’t mess with Matt Lauer or the […]
We were teased with a preview last week when Jermaine announced the title of his next mixtape, but he didn’t make us wait too long with the full. Get ready, Friday Night Lights drops this Friday. More: Trailer Time
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