Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Willie D Talks Sentencing On Fox Houston

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New Music: Malice “Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind & Naked”

To help Malice usher in his upcoming novel, Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind And Naked, he lays one down with a new recording bearing the project’s name. ” I was trying to be a rapper, not an author. Never would I have ever imagined that I would have to share a story so personal and of such magnitude with the entire world. Wretched…tells of my highest highs and my lowest lows. It speaks of my childhood, family life, and life in […]

Kanye West Appalled At The Today Show

Kanye’s interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning didn’t go over so well. Kanye turned to his Twitter account and expressed his frustration with the host. I went up there to express how I was empathetic to Bush because I labeled him a racist and years later I got labeled as a racist…. While I was trying to give the interview they started playing the “MTV” under me with audio!!!!!!! I don’t mess with Matt Lauer or the […]