Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Dr. Dre Addresses “Under Pressure” Leak

Yesterday, the Internets got a hold of a premature version of Dr. Dre’s “Under Pressure. The Doc retreated online and addressed the leak. “I want to set the record straight for everybody who’s been waiting to hear my music.  The song that’s on the internet is an incomplete song  that I’m still working on.  When it’s ready, you’ll be hearing it from  me.” – Dr. Dre Sidebar: Crooked I dropped a freestyle over it already. yk2

New Music: Kid Cudi “REVOFEV”

Whoa whoa, here is the arrival of Cudder’s latest, which he performed a few weeks ago in Oregon. Produced by Plain Pat, this is the first single off Man On The Moon II: The Legend Of Mr. Rager. Anyone need help with pronunciation? *Those having trouble pronouncing the title, its REV OF EV which is short for Revolution Of Evolution. Just let it flow ha say it how its spelled.

New Music: The Roots “Now Or Never” x “Web 20/20”

The Roots’ Black Thought and ?uestlove both stopped by Shade 45 earlier this evening to discuss How I Got Over with Kay Slay and Dee Vazquez. And by judging these two tracks that they premiered, we’re all in for a treat come June 22. “Now Or Never” Ft. Phonte & Dice Raw “Web 20/20” Ft. Peedi Peedi x Truck North Bonus: Black Thought “Shade 45 Freestyle” omen