Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Max B Released From Contract

This probably isn’t the release Max B was hoping for, but as he waits on his appeal, a judge ruled yesterday that he’s fulfilled his recording and writing obligations to Jim Jones. Max was formerly signed to Jimmy’s Byrd Gang imprint. The news comes at a good time as Amalgam Digital plans to release his debut album, Vigilante Season. Max was sentenced last year to 75 years in prison in connection to a murder and robbery. Long live the wave? […]

New Video: Lil Wayne “Da Da Da”

[vodpod id=Video.3722681&w=425&h=350&] Weezy’s Rebirth extravaganza kicks off with the first of four videos set to premiere this weekend. Here, we follow him through South Beach and rock out with !MAYDAY! on top of the Marlin Hotel. Raise the roof! Bonus: Video Preview: Lil Wayne “Get A Life”

Alchemist’s Top 5 Producers

[vodpod id=Video.3718076&w=425&h=350&] In the final minutes of Al’s interview on Grind Music Radio, he reveals his favorite producers of all time. All time! Here it is: Dr. Dre; DJ Premier; Rick Rubin; Large Professor; and RZA. What’s yours?