Author: Paul “Big Homie” Duong

Aziz Ansari’s Night Out With Kanye West

[vodpod id=Video.2897854&w=425&h=350&] During his Comedy Central special, comedian Aziz Ansari walks us through a night of hangin’ out with Mr. West and how his little cousin Darwish‘s little feud with Ye popped off. Off Aziz’s Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening. Pretty hilarious stuff. NR Previously: Aziz Ansari Channels R. Kelly

Green Lantern & Styles P Talk “The Green Ghost Project”

[vodpod id=Video.2897821&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%253Dnews%2526vid%253D473441] The Evil Genius and Pinero speak to MTV on their collaborative album, The Green Ghost Project. Lantern says that he produced half of the album with other beatmakers onboard and the pair share their cuts we should look out for come February 2nd. Styles chimes in and says it has that 90s Hip Hop sound. “We said we wanted the feel of what they supposed to be doing on mixtapes today with the ’90s touch to it,” Styles added. […]

Green Lantern & Styles P Talk “The Green Ghost Project”

[vodpod id=Video.2897821&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%253Dnews%2526vid%253D473441] The Evil Genius and Pinero speak to MTV on their collaborative album, The Green Ghost Project. Lantern says that he produced half of the album with other beatmakers onboard andthe pair share their cuts we should look out for come February 2nd. Styles chimes in and says it has that 90s Hip Hop sound. “We said we wanted the feel of what they supposed to be doing on mixtapes today with the ’90s touch to it,” Styles added. […]

Jay-Z, Rihanna & U2 Headline Hope For Haiti Telethon

[vodpod id=Video.2896298&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%3Dnews%26amp%3Bid%3D1629650%26amp%3Bvid%3D473450] As you can see from above, tons of musicians from all genres of music are lined up to perform at venues from N.Y. all the way to L.A. for MTV’s Hope For Haiti telethon. The benefit event airs at 8pm EST Friday night on just about every single television network across the globe. Just recently added to the line up, Jay-Z and Rihanna will link up with U2’s Bono and The Edge across the pond to headline over in London. Guess they’ll […]

Jay-Z, Rihanna & U2 Headline Hope For Haiti Telethon

[vodpod id=Video.2896298&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%3Dnews%26amp%3Bid%3D1629650%26amp%3Bvid%3D473450] As you can see from above, tons of musicians from all genres of musicare lined up to perform at venues fromN.Y. all the way to L.A. for MTV’s Hope For Haiti telethon. Thebenefit eventairs at 8pm EST Friday night on just about every single television network across the globe. Just recently added to the line up, Jay-Z and Rihanna will link up with U2’s Bono and The Edge across the pond to headline over in London. Guess they’ll […]