[vodpod id=Video.2990675&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%3Dnews%26amp%3Bvid%3D478651] At a press conference from the “We Are The World” recording session, Weezy made the following statement to the shocked and surprised room full of journalists before he exited. “I think it’s amazing what’s been done for Haiti. But I also think it’s amazing what hasn’t been done for New Orleans.“ Your thoughts? MTV
Author: YN
Looks like Kanye ain’t the only gettin hassled at the LAX, Fab was pestered by the paps recently on the way to his flight back to the NYC. Leave Loso alone, you asshole. CL
“You have six Grammy’s and you smell good” Mrs. Carter explains why she blew up Hov’s spot from the stage on Sunday. Hey look, it’s the real Grammy Family. MTV
In honor of Justin’s closing of Baseline Studios, one of my favorite fellow scribes, Sean Fennessey is sharing his extensive collection of Megatron Don produced gems and an interview he conducted back in 2006 with the man himself for VIBE magazine. These true treats for real rap fans can be found on his blog, Split Infinitives. UPDATE: Might be a lil’ too late to download.
[vodpod id=Video.2987454&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dvid%253D478705%2526uri%253Dmgid%253Auma%253Avideo%253Amtv.com%253A478705] The producer behind “I Wanna Rock” explains how he got down with The Doggfather. “I just had a couple of crazy records,” Scoop relived. “At the time, me and Dogg was trying to do something new for the new generation. He always listens to all the stuff I’m involved in and keeps his ears to the street. He’s a godfather out here. I went to Snoop with it, and I already knew he was gonna do something magical […]
Yesterday, The Johnson Publishing Company announced that one of its legendary titles was goin’ through a major creative overhaul. As you can see above JET looks a lil’ different and Trey is on the cover of the first issue of the new era. Good luck, guys. UHTN
[vodpod id=Video.2988596&w=425&h=350&fv=clip_id%3D9206216%26amp%3Bserver%3Dvimeo.com%26amp%3Bautoplay%3D0%26amp%3Bfullscreen%3D1%26amp%3Bmd5%3D0%26amp%3Bshow_portrait%3D0%26amp%3Bshow_title%3D0%26amp%3Bshow_byline%3D0%26amp%3Bcontext%3Duser%3A1759835%26amp%3Bcontext_id%3D%26amp%3Bforce_embed%3D0%26amp%3Bmultimoog%3D%26amp%3Bcolor%3D00ADEF%26amp%3Bforce_info%3Dundefined] Pardon the pandemonium and camera blurriness but During Drake’s homecoming show in VA last night he brought out the hometown boy to perform track 7 off So Far Gone. Hey ladies! Update: Now with better footage courtesy of On221.com
I think Shallah really appreciated Ms. Adu’s praise. Ha! You crazy for this one, Chef.
Mr. Jackson hits the late night circuit performing his first single from Loso’s Way. Yup, Terius’ whines are all the way live and look at him in the crowd trying to get his shine on. Wait, no couchtime George? SMH.
Here’s some mo’ footage of Cole’s recent show in Texas. As Jermaine told me he does at his shows, he kicked an original freestyle before goin’ into “Lights Please”. Told y’all, that boy’s nice too! Ha. 2DB Previously: J.Cole Live At Aces Lounge (Austin)
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