[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586220&w=425&h=350&fv=] “I don’t get dropped, I drop the label.” © Guess Who? Thank you Sylvia for giving this fool his walking papers. New anthem for you auto-tuner: “Go sign to E1. Advance is 20 dollars.” Ha! Props: AHH
Author: YN
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586139&w=425&h=350&fv=] Christopher Cross. Michael McDonald. The Roots. I can’t vouch for you, if you ain’t a part of this. Just watch the magic unfurl! I swear to God, I caught a chill. Ha! Update: Now we’re “Sailing“. Nice!
One weekend. Two videos in the Sunshine State. Three MC’s who love the blow and the dough. Props: OnSmash Previously: On The Set: Rick Ross “Maybach Music 2.5”
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3582336&w=425&h=350&fv=bufferlength%3D5%26amp%3Bskin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fnahright.com%252Fnews%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2009%252F09%252Fdangdang.swf%26amp%3Bimage%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi33.tinypic.com%252F2v93o6d.png%26amp%3Blinktarget%3D_self%26amp%3Bdock%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bfile%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fvideo.ak.facebook.com%252Fcfs-ak-snc1%252F10829%252F128%252F27%252F1131557213723_36859.mp4%26amp%3Bplugins%3Dviral-2d] I wanna be like Kamaal when I grow up. Ha. Spotted: Pinboard Update: Embed blues. Now with Dre‘s player. Previously: Q-Tip’s Renaissance Continues Bonus: Speaking of rap pioneers.
I know I promised no more Gaga but just fast-forward to the final 30 seconds and watch Dre dodge a Detox question. Just when Game’s Twitpic got you in a tizzy. SMH. That album’s never coming out, kids. On second thought, drop it same day as Kill Bill 3! Spotted: Rap-Up
Check out this craziness from yesterday’s Bengals game. Applaud Ed Lover for getting Chad’s crazy ass to promo his shit. Did they fine this nigga yet? Ha. WSHH Previously: Ed Lover: C’mon Son Pt. 5
Remember the big Louie V struggle around X-Mas time last year between the Capo and Ty-Ty’s brother? Ne-Yo probably still has nightmares about it. Ha! Anyways, justice was served this morning. Or was it? Jones entered his plea to the misdemeanor charge Monday. He was sentenced to time served — the few hours he was in custody after turning himself in to police in January. Defense lawyer Scott Leemon has said Jones didn’t start the fight. Leemon said Monday that […]
Besides putting an entire mix together in memory of Mr. Magic, DJ Premier created his own custom intro to pay fitting homage. Very nicely done. Spotted: Nottingham via Preemo Blog Sidebar: NY Times obit
The Gooch on the help out!
“On the Interstate with that Justin Timberlake.” New Snowman off TM103. This day is startin’ to pick up. Ha! He told MTV awhile back: “I got a joint called ‘I Got This,’ ” he said about the new album. “Then there’s ‘Suicide Music.’ I don’t wanna give it all up, because you’ll probably figure out where I’m going. The list goes on. To me, I know [artists] say, ‘This is going to be my best work.’ This is going to […]
[…] hunger is evident in the intensity of the new music. The Black Cocaine EP is not just another release—it’s a statement. Prodigy emphasized the importance of longevity in hip-hop and how Mobb […]