
Category: News
Joe Crack’s Sample Clearance Problems

It wasn’t Curtis’ silly stunts that derailed Fat Joe’s project from being on the front burner of everyone’s minds, it was those damn samples. I just copped the new CD and two of my favorite joints had to be reworked. Damn shame! Before: After: Before: After: Regardless, I’m still a card-carrying member of Team Cartagena. “Congratulations” knocks! Support my Boriqua buddy!

Ether Boy’s Emancipation

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586220&w=425&h=350&fv=] “I don’t get dropped, I drop the label.” © Guess Who? Thank you Sylvia for giving this fool his walking papers. New anthem for you auto-tuner: “Go sign to E1. Advance is 20 dollars.” Ha! Props: AHH

Questlove Brings The Yacht Rock Noise!

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3586139&w=425&h=350&fv=] Christopher Cross. Michael McDonald. The Roots. I can’t vouch for you, if you ain’t a part of this. Just watch the magic unfurl! I swear to God, I caught a chill. Ha! Update: Now we’re “Sailing“. Nice!