I wanna talk to the mayor, to the governor, to the muthafuckin’ President. NY Governor David Paterson emailed MTV and gave a stamp of approval of Hov being crowned the Hottest MC In The Game. “Jay-Z is not only an outstanding hip-hop artist, but a dedicated philanthropist as well,” Paterson said in a statement. “Having just attended his September 11th benefit concert in Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago, I can personally attest to his commitment to New York […]
One weekend. Two videos in the Sunshine State. Three MC’s who love the blow and the dough. Props: OnSmash Previously: On The Set: Rick Ross “Maybach Music 2.5”
At one of Funk Flex’s Car Shows, the part-time pastor performed a snippet of “Mo Money, Mo Problems” to little fanfare. Looks like no one wants to see ya fly, bruh. YK2
Survival Of The Illest 2.0 Previously: Warren G Speaks On XXL Cover XXL
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3580641&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dvid%253D443159%2526uri%253Dmgid%253Auma%253Avideo%253Amtv.com%253A443159%2526startUri%3D%7BstartUri%7D] At the Thisis50 Fest concert this past Saturday, Curt gave insight on the actual artwork for Before I Self Destruct. Props: MTV
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3582336&w=425&h=350&fv=bufferlength%3D5%26amp%3Bskin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fnahright.com%252Fnews%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2009%252F09%252Fdangdang.swf%26amp%3Bimage%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi33.tinypic.com%252F2v93o6d.png%26amp%3Blinktarget%3D_self%26amp%3Bdock%3Dfalse%26amp%3Bfile%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fvideo.ak.facebook.com%252Fcfs-ak-snc1%252F10829%252F128%252F27%252F1131557213723_36859.mp4%26amp%3Bplugins%3Dviral-2d] I wanna be like Kamaal when I grow up. Ha. Spotted: Pinboard Update: Embed blues. Now with Dre‘s player. Previously: Q-Tip’s Renaissance Continues Bonus: Speaking of rap pioneers.
I know I promised no more Gaga but just fast-forward to the final 30 seconds and watch Dre dodge a Detox question. Just when Game’s Twitpic got you in a tizzy. SMH. That album’s never coming out, kids. On second thought, drop it same day as Kill Bill 3! Spotted: Rap-Up
Wale and Colin borrow The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” for their personal enjoyment. No backsies, gentlemen. Bonus: Sarah Michelle Gellar was hot.
Check out this craziness from yesterday’s Bengals game. Applaud Ed Lover for getting Chad’s crazy ass to promo his shit. Did they fine this nigga yet? Ha. WSHH Previously: Ed Lover: C’mon Son Pt. 5
TMZ’s predecessor, The NY Post captured Tical leaving court this afternoon after being arraigned on tax evasion charges. Wu-Tang Uncle Sam ain’t nothin to fuck wit. NR Earlier: Method Man Arrested For Tax Evasion
[…] set to drop on April 21. Unlike traditional mixtapes that feature DJs hosting and blending tracks, Fab is taking a different approach, opting for a project free from […]