
Category: News
Raekwon Performs “Catalina” On The Rooftop

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Yesterday afternoon, Raekwon got his Beatles on, and performed on the roof of Capitol Records. Here he rocks “Catalina” sans Lyfe Jennings. Dirty version, of course. More clips on the way.

New Music: Jay-Z “Ghetto Techno” (Not On BP3)

Another day. Another fuckin’ unauthorized Hova leak. You think Timbaland produced this mess too? SMH. What a piece of shit that guy is. I need to hear the Jay-Cudi record ASAP. And the J. Cole one too. Leak a fuckin’ Kanye record or something. Take control of the leak! I’m so pissed.

{mp3}ghetto techno{/mp3} 

Mr. X  via Piff Avenue

Update: Please Don’t Stare got the tagless. I can’t do it. © Bill O’Reilly

Jay Electronica “Google Eyes” (Live)


I found this clip about two weeks ago of the other Jay in my life performing a song I couldn’t ID. I emailed Electronica, and today he finally hit me back. He said, it’s called “Google Eyes” and he would send me a copy if I would only put up a snippet of it or label it a ruff version since it’s not all the way done. I complied. Of course, he never sent it. Guess you should look for that in another two weeks. In the meantime, enjoy the performance.

Added bonus, after the jump.

Q-Tip Blasts Mayor Bloomberg Over “40 Day”

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Looks like Kamaal has taken his Twitter campaign to the 1515 Boys headquarters. And he’s not feelin’ Curtis not being allowed to perform in their old hood.

“50 Cent is a success story we all should applaud. However you feel about him, you can’t deny him. He had something going on in his old neighborhood — our old neighborhood, because I grew up there too. He wanted to perform there. He can have the benefit but he can’t perform.”

“I think that’s a shot to morale,” he continued. “It’s a shot to somebody’s morale, who’s 15 or 16 years old. That’s an impressionable soul who sees 50 Cent, how he’s not able to see him perform in a way. I think the [city’s officials] are aware, but they think [50’s] performance may cause rabble-rousing, or get people to act out. That’s just an old way of thinking about folk, especially black folk. That’s what it all boils down to, essentially.” 

Bet you Your Honor is a big Otis Redding fan. Ha!

Related: Q-Tip’s Politically Incorrect?

Throwback Video: Jay-Z Performance On Big Daddy Kane Tour

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Catch up, niggas!

As part of MTV’s The J To Z series, they dug up footage of a young Shawn Carter rhymin’ alongside Positive K while Big Daddy Kane took a break back in 1991. Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way. Hey, you’ve come a long way, Hovi! Ha!

Spotted: 57th Ave

Previously: RR Exclusive: Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Carter!

GFK’s Wizdom Of The Week # 2

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.866301&w=425&h=350&fv=] This week, Ghost delivers a caveat for dealing with pyscho  bitches women. Pay attention, it’s free. Wizard Of Poetry drops September 29th. Props: Nah Right dot com Previously: GFK Wizdom Of The Week #1