
Category: News
Killer Mike Is The Last Of A Dying Breed

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Killer Mike tells the 1515 Boys that when it comes to producing hardcore hip-hop, he’s the last of the Mohicans. 

“I dropped I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind II last year. If you wanna hear hardcore hip-hop, go to the store, go get I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind II.

You can listen from the first Biggie sample to the last song on the

album, ‘Good-Bye,’ it’s hardcore hip-hop. I don’t wanna hear that

bullshit, these niggas who got millions of dollars talking about

bringing shit back. They ain’t bringing shit back. It’s here — you

looking at it. ”

Bang. Bang.

Kanye Got More Boobs On Deck

If you love The Drake, you might dig this. Here’s a lil nugget from Mr. West’s pow-wow with LV.

Oh and this morning I worked on the video for my song “Robocop.” My girlfriend got her whole body moulded in prosthetics so she could play a Barbie doll in it. They made the exact shape of her breasts, but with no nipples, just like Barbie…..

This guy’s gonna call his next album, Ta-Tas.

Spotted: Necole Bitchie

Drake Explains “Best I Ever Had” Video

 Complex talked to Drake about the concept behind his tit-illating video.

The concept of the video is, I’m a coach at a high school and the girls of my life are all on my high school basketball team. Throughout the video you see us prepping for this big championship game, and my team ends up losing. You see the looks on their faces at the end of the video, but the moral of the story, I guess, is win or lose, you can still be the best to somebody. When women see the video and see all the breast and ass, hopefully they don’t take offense. Hopefully they see the real meaning.

Ha! Negro pleaseee.