
Category: News
Maino: The Comeback Kid (Part 2)

Interview: Brian “B.Dot” Miller

A week before the release of  his debut, …If Tommorrow Comes Maino gets a few things off his chest. In part two of our conversation the Bed Stuy bully speaks on Jay-Z, passing the torch, and the art of making hit records.

Cam’ron Smiles Like A Proud Dad
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Speaking to the 1515 Boys, Cam’ron gushes about his Mini-me and explains why he chooses to keep him out of the spotlight.
“His mom don’t like that. His mom don’t want

him on TV or the album covers. When I put him on the album cover, his

teacher will change it from ‘Cameron’ to ‘Cam’ron’ on his [school]

paper. He had to change schools two or three times. I had to fall back

from letting him be on the camera. I feel her for that. It’s his safety

first before anything. I feel her for that.”