I put you up on this series about a week ago but I forgot it’s a daily operation. Duh. Peep what you might be missing.
Busta’s the wind beneath Raekwon’s wings
I put you up on this series about a week ago but I forgot it’s a daily operation. Duh. Peep what you might be missing.
Busta’s the wind beneath Raekwon’s wings
{mtv width=”540″ height=”350″}395080{/mtv}
YN and Rosenberg weren’t the only ones gettin’ their interview on backstage at the Drake show. The 1515 Boys were in the place-to-be also and they got Drizzy to admit his stannery respect for Kanye.
Bonus: JC reviewed NY show:
Drake, 22, is an extremely adept student, pairing the whimsical, intricate rhymes of Lil Wayne with the melodic gifts and self-flagellation of Kanye West. He’s a braggart and a skeptic, a stud and a nerd.
Do you believe?
Mr. West explains to Sway why he went ga-ga over the Lady Gaga hit. I still don’t think the Cudi song is that good, but hey, what’d I know? Ha!
Bonus: The clip ‘Ye sampled from.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/4878711]
Drake is half Jew, half amazing and the Brothers Rosenthal couldn’t be prouder. Tribe vibes, y’all.
No Kanye but check this nigga out at the 3:20 mark. B.Dot does the same dance every day at the Mansion.
Bonus: The song’s official video. No LowKey. Ha!
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Marshall’s back on BET. And his buddy Curtis even stopped by. Terrence is still on cloud 9.
Spotted: Nah Right via Your Audio Fix
Sidebar: They also claim Dr. Dre’s Detox will be 10 records and they heard 8 of em.
As the headline suggests, Miguel Castillo of the Wall Street Journal analyzes the effects of the recession.
“‘A lot of these rappers simply don’t have the money for real stuff anymore,’ says Jason Arasheben, who crafts custom jewelry for wealthy clientele, including Saudi royals and Hollywood movie stars, at his California boutique called Jason of Beverly Hills. ‘It’s to the point where they are wearing imitation jewelry, and that’s ridiculous.’
Mr. Arasheben designed the colossus of hip-hop jewels three years ago for rapper Lil Jon: an enormous gold necklace that spells out “CRUNK AIN’T DEAD” with 3,756 round-cut white diamonds (Crunk is a southern rap subgenre that Lil Jon — real name, Jonathan Mortimer Smith — has struggled to keep alive).”
Spotted: SRD
[…] set to drop on April 21. Unlike traditional mixtapes that feature DJs hosting and blending tracks, Fab is taking a different approach, opting for a project free from […]