
Category: News
Red Cafe Passed On Eminem’s “We Made You” Track

According to MTV, “We Made You” co-producer Doc Ish (no Dre) claims he played Em’s first single for another MC first. Here’s a hint: What Else?

“He [Doc Ish] originally shopped the record — with the same hook, sung by Charmagne Tripp — to Red Café, before D12 member Bizarre picked it up.

But after writing his own version of ‘We Made You,’ Bizarre called Doc Ish with news that Eminem wanted the record. Because Bizarre is such a jokester, though, Doc didn’t believe him. So he hung up on him.

He called me at a bad time, so when he was like, ‘Marshall wants the record,’ I was like, ‘Yeah, right,’  Doc told MTV News. ‘He was like, ‘No, seriously, I’m not playing.’ And Bizarre is a comical dude, so it’s hard to know if he’s playing or not. I didn’t have time that day; I was busy mixing a record for Saigon. So I basically hung up on him. So he called me back with his cousin, Gambino, from Hartford, and he’s who I know Biz through. And [Gambino] was like, ‘Ish, he’s for real, he’s not playing.’ So they put me in touch with [Eminem’s] management. I was still like, ‘OK,’ ’cause Bizarre plays jokes on people. But within five minutes, his management called, and they said they wanted the song. I believed in that song, but I didn’t know it would make it to where it did.” 

Guess one man’s ceiling is still another man’s floor.

Drake Homecoming Concert (Freestyle) x “Best I Ever Had”


“Freestyling on the dome/ No Blackberry, I ain’t looking at my phone”

Can’t get enough Drake, eh? Well, here’s additional footage from his gig last night in the T-Dot. Do you see all that estrogen in the crowd? Gheesh! After the jump, check out a pre-soundcheck interview.

We’re Connected: 1loveto

Fabolous Clears Up Maino Reference

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891346&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Here’s the actual clip of Fab clearing up rumors of him dissing Maino on the “Hottest In The Hood (Remix.)”

“I heard they was trying to make the Maino line a dis. It was just metaphorically saying, ‘The watch got cuts in the face.’

What does Maino have? A cut in the face. It wasn’t a come at Maino.

That’s my dude. I actually just seen Maino on Mother’s Day. He was

taking his moms out to dinner. I was just coming from taking my moms to

dinner. So it was no bad blood.”

Stop reaching, Stanleys.

Salutes: 1515 Boys

Update: Cam’Ron Will Do Jim Jones Numbers?

According to Hits Daily Double, early reports say it’s gonna be a close race to see if Killa can top his former partner Jim Jones’ last album in first week sales. Pray IV Reign sold 42, 820 units.

CHART FAILURE: If you’re looking for sales relief, don’t expect any this week. The two top debuts appear to be a pair of Asylum rappers in Cam’ron (40-45k) and Paul Wall (15-20k) (5/13p)

Poor Paul Wall.

UPDATE:  Asylum adamantly denies this report and promises that Cam will hit numero uno.

Hey I did my part. It’s on you, hip-hop nation.





Mr. Hudson x Kanye West “Supernova” x Radio One Interview
kanye and

Guess it’s time for Kanye to fully present his new protege, Mr. Hudson a.k.a. the blonde-haired white boy from the U.K. And you say Chi-City?

{mp3}supernova mastered{/mp3} 

Bonus: On the telly from Hawaii, Mr. West reveals to Radio One that this song was originally intended for 808s. He also plugs his upcoming “Paranoid” video featuring Rihanna. Is ‘Ye quietly planning to give Drake’s “Best I Ever Had” a run for summer banger? Hey, he’s got a shot.

{mp3}mr. hudson x kanye west interview{/mp3}

Big Props: Team Supreme

Core DJ’s Speak On Breaking New Artists


Tony Neal, DJ Neal, and Derek Juan of the Core DJ’s speak on the importance of the DJ and breaking new artists. 


I made this point a couple days on Twitter. I know everyone currently has a hard on for Drake, but I feel more DJ’s need to step up to the plate. The public eats whatever you feed them, and frankly, I’m malnourished. There are tons several emerging artists, like B.o.B., that sling good product but aren’t getting their just due. Video didn’t kill the radio star, so please, don’t butcher me with bad music.