
Category: News
RR Exclusive: A Word From Hov

Jay-Z just sent this over:

A word from Hov

Last night I performed at the University of Arizona, I had a ball!! Through all the excitement and joking around (as well as the technical difficulties) I missed out on the opportunity to say something important..

On the show as well were Third Eye Blind and Kelly Clarkson.. I thought that to be the oddest pairing EVER but, soon realized, it’s what I’ve always professed..There is NO such thing as BLACK music or WHITE music only GOOD or BAD music..It’s stupid cool to like things that are not like you, and that goes for outside of music.. If you’re an African American you can have a jewish friend. Wait, does Lyor having some Israeli mixed with his jewish count? (Sure they are paranoid but, so are black people after they’ve smoked weed, haaaaa, and plus the JEW fro and the BLUEprint fro are the SAME thing.)

I think concerts like this should happen more often. ( Outside of the one or 2 festivals a year or “Zootopia”) I’m putting that into the up Taylor Swift and Uncle Murda!!

Sorry I don’t “Tweet” (do I?) so this will have to do..


New Music: Bobby Ray “Wait Your Turn”

“Well, B.o.B. we actually have a publishing deal with. So I’ve been up on him for a while. But, he’s insane. Like, talent wise. He’s, like, 20 years old, and the dude, like, fuckin’ plays guitar, he plays keyboard, he writes raps. He’s not only good at writing songs in the sense of just raps, but hoks. He’s fucking’ insane. He can sing…I just worked with him a few weeks ago in the stuido, and I’m like, “Do you fuckin’ dance, too? Jesus Christ!”– Eminem, XXL, June 2009

{mp3}wait your turn{/mp3} 

Related: Eminem Thinks Asher Roth Is Dope

Jay-Z “My President Is Black” (Live)


“And I’m headed for AZ. Anybody feel me?”

Last night, Hov saluted Obama on his first 100 days.

Hopefully better footage is on the way. By the way, it looks like Jay rocked camouflage shorts on stage. Guess it was hot in that bitch. Ha!

More TwitPics after the jump:

Previously: RR Exclusive: Jay-Z Arizona Show Set List