
Category: News
RR Rumor: Amber Rose Complex Cover

A few lil birdies told me Kanye’s boo has been upgraded from Smooth magazine status to an upcoming Elle inside-the-book portfolio and a Complex cover. That’s right, my son NCB who slutted out Aubrey and got Cassie to flash her ass, is sure to soon deliver the goodness to get you geeks out of your post Tahiry doldrums. Get your cocoa butter, busters!

RR Exclusive: Jay-Z’s Arizona Show Set List

Jay-Z has a big concert at Arizona Stadium tonight and according to this report, he’s makin’ a pretty penny. What a shocker! Anyways, I told dude today was a slow news day, so he sent me these photos. Courtesy of the Big Homie’s blackberry, so don’t get your eyes blurry trying to make sense of the words written by the hand that don’t write. Ha!

I hope somebody in desi has a flip cam.

Hey, Mr. DJ: 2.0


Who knew you could do so much shit on an iPhone? In the clip, some genius developed an application that allows him to get his Grandwizard Theodore on. His vid is a response to this. Man, this is like that scene out of Juice—minus Pac’s trigger happy ass, of course.

Props: Megatron Don

Soulja Boy Tell Em: Career Finisher?

 [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.891773&w=425&h=350&]

At the 2:54 mark, DeAndre claims to have “ended a lot of niggas careers.”

 My thoughts exactly.

Eminem “3 A.M.” Video Will Debut on Cinemax

Well, this is different. Ha!

In a first for the network, Cinemax exclusively debuts the latest, never before seen, uncensored music video from rap star Eminem, on Saturday, May 2 at 10pm ET/PT. The music video for “3 a.m.,” the third track to be released from Eminem’s forthcoming album, “Relapse,” was directed by Syndrome. The “3 a.m.” video will air just prior to Cinemax’s Saturday night pay television premiere of the horror film, The Strangers, starring Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman and will continue to air on the network throughout the month of May. 

Getcha DVR’s ready!

Rodney Jerkins Loves The Kids
Here’s a feel good story…for everyone. Last Thursday, producer Rodney Jerkins opened his door’s to unemployed folks and their seeds for Take Your Child To Work Day. Come up off them stimulus checks, Barack! More after the jump.
Asher Roth “Be By Myself” (Jimmy Kimmel)

 {mp4-flvremote width=”540″ height=”350″}{/mp4-flvremote}

Too bad Asher didn’t get to go all in on this. Instead, he performed “I Love College” first. You don’t wanna see that, do you? Ha.