
Category: News
Guest List: What Eminem’s Relapse Will Sound Like?

RR guest blogger Adam Aziz, goes in what he thinks Marshall’s return is gonna sound like based merely on the song titles. Pretty clever. And also speaks on the public demand for the album.

1. “Dr. West (Skit)” – 1:29

Wake up Mr. West, Mr. West? Could Kanye be leading off Eminem’s “Relapse” with a brief “Gay Fish” rendition? Nah…not likely. This will obviously be a “doctor” talking about Eminem’s need for prescription pills. I guarantee you it won’t be as exciting as “children should not partake in the listening of this album with laces in their shoes.”

2. “3am” – 5:20

We’ve heard this. I promise y’all…I’m REALLY trying to like this song…it isn’t working.

3. “My Mom” – 5:20

I can’t wait to hear this song. Why? Because if it’s actually about Eminem’s mom it might make “KIM” look like a church hymn. My favourite line from Eminem about his mom:

“which is it bitch Mrs. Briggs or Ms. Mathers?/It doesn’t matter, your attorney Fred Gibson’s a faggot.” The “Fred Gibson” portion of the lyric was actually edited out on the album version. You learn somethin’ new everyday.

4. “Insane” – 3:01

“Crazy insane or insane crazy? When I say Hussein you say Shady.” I assume this song will have some sort of frantic beat while Em rips the track to shreds. It’ll probably be a straight spitter…at least that’s my guess.

5. “Bagpipes From Baghdad” – 4:43

I think this song is gonna go one of two ways. It’ll either be a serious look at America’s current involvement in the wars around the globe…or it’s gonna be Eminem rapping in the Triumph The Insult Comic Dog voice over some quirky, cartoon’ish beat. I am REALLY looking forward to hearing this but I just have a bad feeling about the final results based on the title. Eminem’s off drugs, right? How the hell did he come up with that title then? haha.

Peep the rest at one of my favorite sites: Broken Cool

New Video: Will Roush Meets DJ Jazzy Jeff
I’m digging these vids.  
“In the midst of his time travels, learning about hip-hop history,

Will arrives in Philly circa 1987. He mistakenly winds up in the studio

with none other than DJ Jazzy Jeff, and cuts his own version of

“Parents Just Don’t Understand.”

Gotti’s Way Season 2 Trailer


I like Irv and I dig Deb, but they waited too long for a season 2 for me. Not sayin’ if I catch I ain’t gonna watch it, but I ain’t lookin’ for it.

Props: Info (The Queen of Vimeo) Ha!

Sidebar: So much for Irv’s “new artist”. This guy is old Newz. Ha! Check the archives, XXL April 2004